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Both presidential campaigns are in a frenzy – there’s NOT ENOUGH INFLATION!!

Photo above – Wake up and smell the coffee! Former Hollywood A-lister George Clooney, recent pitchman for Nespresso ™, is urging Biden to drop out of the race. Or else he'll stop his campaign contributions.

The next time some candidate tells you he’s worried about inflation, consider this: $14 billion was spent during the 2020 campaign. More than DOUBLE 2016. That’s like 25% annual inflation over 4 years, right? See link below.

So how much will be spent this year? Nobody will know for sure until it’s over. But already both campaigns are losing their minds, screaming because billionaire contributors aren’t forking over enough dough.

Both parties, not just the democrats. But let’s start with them. A number of Hollywood A-listers have held press conferences to say that their checkbooks are closed until the party dumps Biden and comes up with someone more coherent. They don’t want to give one more dollar to a losing cause. I predicted this 2 weeks ago. Donors would force Biden out. The money stops flowing. Surprised it hasn’t happened yet. But then again, President Biden lives in a bubble. He isn’t allowed to read newspapers, and trusted insiders summarize the world beyond the gates of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue for him. So far their message is: hang in their baby – you can’t lose.

Okay then - so what’s happening with the GOP? Newspapers are warning that republicans could run out of cash, too. Not because people are triggered by Trump’s rhetoric. It turns out that Wall Street REALLY, REALLY doesn’t like J.D. Vance as Trumps running mate. Something about Vance planning higher tariffs on imports. That’s alarming to Wall Street.

But to at least half of Americans – those who DON’T work on Wall Street - higher tariffs sound good. If you were laid off, or your job was outsourced, or you make ends meet by Ubering and Door Dashing. The United Auto Workers are terrified that cheap Chinese cars will doom them (Last time it was cheap Japanese cars). Biden has responded with a plan for 100% tariffs on Chinese made vehicles. Perhaps J.D. Vance should be Biden’s running mate? China has responded with its own plan: to invade Taiwan and then have their hackers turn off the US grid.

This is why campaign spending is going to the moon. Because politicians will spend ANY AMOUNT (as long as it’s other people’s money) to seize power and hold onto it. “The stakes have never been higher”. You must have heard that one before, right? If people don’t write checks – big ones, and lots of them – Roe v. Wade might be overturned (it was). Gun control might be imposed (it wasn’t). The polar ice caps will melt (they will, no matter what - the ice age continues to wane). Robots might take your job.

It's the billionaires who drive election inflation. And if enough of them follow through on their threats, and stop contributions to politicians, it might be a good thing. But that's unlikely of course. There’s too much at stake. If the wrong guy gets into the White House, then rich people won't have access, and their calls won't be returned. Whether you want higher tariffs on imported cars, or lower taxes on corporate profits, you could end up getting screwed. THAT’s why billions are spent on presidential campaigns. So that laws benefiting special interest groups can be drafted.

I’m just sayin’ . . .

[u]~Most expensive ever: 2020 election cost $14.4 billion • OpenSecrets~[/u]
You can only watch so many commercials before they stop having an effect. A great deal of this money is for ground operations. But a lot of the "money" going to Trump's campaign is being funneled through various organizations that are covering his legal bills and other groups. The Biden funding structure is comparatively simpler.

AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
Isn’t that the guy who said orange won’t be president ? Hard to believe what he says .
gol979 · 41-45, M
Agent Clooney
SusanInFlorida · 31-35, F
@gol979 apparently Obama is still running the government. Biden is rumored to be dropping out after Barack called the white house. Announcement sometime after 5pm today, but no later than sunday evening.

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