Many focus almost exclusively on Scripture, proper (the "Old Testament") or the Revelation According to John.
Odd that Christians wouldn't focus on the Gospels...and esp. that they avoid the Parable of the Good Samaritan, which completely destroys the current Republican / Trump position on foreigners wanting to come here, universal health care, unions / labor, treatment of pregnant women, etc.
@whowasthatmaskedman It can't be done. People can argue the points until they're blue in the face, there are no real facts except for the parts that are true history, and sometimes we don't even know what true history is. It just depends on what you as a person believes and that goes for alot of other things. Humans just like to agree on disagreeing.
As for as brainwashed, many of us are in many different categories.
@maskedbandit Absolutely. As a reasoning animal, human have always sought an explantion for the Universe. Explanations without facts and what superstitions and religions were born of..I will bet my lucky underpants on that..😷
all Christians are fundamentialis --there is no such thing as a non-fundamentalists Christian Some just draw a lot of lines that are not allowed to be crossed and some fewer lines that are not allowed to be crossed while still being an adherent to the religion.
The most aggressive say the KJV is the inherent word of God and the least aggressive (like Methodist maybe) draw the line at Jesus is our lord and savior
but really all Christians are fundies just in variious degrees I feel like the elephant in the room is that words like non-fundamentalists christian, liberal christian, progressive christian , open minded christian are fluffy PR words with no real meaning or value given that the religion hinges its entire existence on faith over evidence