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So last week, the democrats were saying that the films of joe Biden bumbling were deep fake, 1 week later, democrats say Biden is failing, needs to go

SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
What will next week bring?
4meAndyou · F
So, we have to ask ourselves what is the difference between now, and last week. And the ONLY difference is that Joe Biden was shown to about 75% of the American public as he really IS.

Prior to that, Dems and the media KNEW that Biden was impaired, but denied it vehemently so that Democrat/Socialist/Marxists could stay in power. NOW they are playing quick catch up hoping the American people won't notice just how DEEP their fake really was.
when we say it, we are wrong, when they say it, its gospel. LOL
akindheart · 61-69, F
And today Biden is claiming he almost fell asleep due to international travel. it makes me mad that the Dems are acting like his decline is new. he has been declining for years. how they have handled this will be their undoing

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