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Texas Supreme Court Drops Huge 8-1 Ruling – Major Blow to the Left’s Holy Grail

The Texas Supreme Court voted 8-1 to uphold the state’s age limit ban on transgender procedures for minors. This is a huge win for residents who seek to safeguard the well-being of children. Conservatives have supported the law as a way of protecting parental rights. And it strikes a massive blow in the left’s transgender agenda.

Proponents of the ban argue that children are too young to make life-altering decisions. Growing evidence suggests that medical interventions like hormone treatments and surgeries carry significant risks. The Texas Supreme Court’s ruling reflects this growing concern. This is consistent with Texas lawmakers who want to protect children from making irreversible choices they may regret later.

Texas has scored major wins for conservative values in recent years. It was one of the first states to outright ban abortions. And it has fought the Biden administration, which is trying to undermine states’ abortion laws by mailing “abortion pills” through the mail. Texas has also struck back against Biden’s open border policy, slowing down the left’s attempt to import millions of illegal voters into the country.

Kwek00 · 41-45, M
Oh it's the party of liberty, freedom and small governement... telling other people how to live their life by using the power of the state. Slavery enforced by christian dogma, is freedom. And Ignorance is strength.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
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