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Fact Check? Here's a REAL ONE.

Reason10 · 61-69, M
Here's another.
Vin53 · M
@Reason10 If you march with a group of pedophiles it doesn't really matter if you proclaim not to be one does it?
Reason10 · 61-69, M
Gee. I got another one.
@Reason10 looks like a full arena to me.

Typical Biden venue...barely enough to fill a phone booth and they only showed up for the free donuts.
Northwest · M
The Border Patrol does not endorse political positions, it executes official policy.

So the Border Patrol Union could chill. They were not mentioned.

The President, however, erred in say Border Patrol. What he meant was the bi-partisan border bill, The Border Act of 2024 .

The bill was introduced by Senator Sinema, and was approved by a bi-partisan group of legislators. Convicted Felon Trump huffed and puffed and told the GOP to refuse to approve the bill, not because it makes no sense, but because it makes President Biden look good.

The National Border Patrol Council , a union representing Border Patrol Agents, endorsed the bipartisan border security bill led by Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema, Republican Senator James Lankford (Okla.), and Democratic Senator Chris Murphy (Conn.).

But let's not let facts stand in the way of propaganda.
@Northwest Trump told 34 fact checked lies in the debate. He only spoke for 21 minutes total. Not bad. That's a lie every 40 seconds.

1. He said Biden was the worst prez ever. LIE...also in the same sentence Lie #2....."He was never declared worst president in history by 159 legal scholar, Constitutional law scholars, economist, etc. YES HE WAS. Biden cannot be rated until after he leaves office.

2. EVERYONE just loves his push for no more abortions. LIE. 78% of Americans favor abortion as a choice.

3. There was not as many border crossings when he was presz. LIE.......yes there were. Go to INS site and look it up for numbers of encounters in trump's 4 years.

There's 34 of these. NOT typing them out............look it up. Thirty four in 21 minutes.

If you think a liar is winner of a debate..........that is like saying the best poker player is the one who cheats. Telling lies with confidence that none of his cult will ever know or care if he's lying or not..........is still lying. I'd rather vote for a poor debater..... who stutters and needs a cough drop than someone who has a parole officer any day.
Reason10 · 61-69, M
@Northwest Asked and answered.
Northwest · M
Asked and answered.

Where? In your own head?
Reason10 · 61-69, M
Here's another:
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windinhishair · 61-69, M
The Border Patrol Union DID endorse Biden’s position on the bipartisan border bill that Trump commanded the House and Senate Republicans to reject. So he was half right. They did not endorse Biden, however.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@Reason10 Did you even read my comment? The BPU supports the bipartisan border bill that Biden endorses and will sign if the House will pass it.
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windinhishair · 61-69, M
@Reason10 So if Biden's tells a half lie and Trump tells 50 lies, it is even, right?

I didn't try to spin it. You didn't comprehend my comment, which is not surprising. I only pointed out that the Union DID endorse his position on the border bill, which is also part of what Biden said. You can continue pretending Trump is God, but it doesn't make it so.
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
Lyin Biden been lyin since he ran for senate in the 80s
Nanoose · 61-69, M
@Reason10 If Trump is the most honest president in the history of America – then why does his signature look like a failed lie detector test?

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eli1601 · 70-79, M
@Nanoose TDS
@Reason10 I've listed plenty of Trump's many... MANY crimes. But you just deflect and project, like every Nazi these days.
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Vin53 · M
And on Joe’s watch, no American service members died.
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Patriot96 · 56-60, C
@BizSuitStacy Lyin biden only reads what he is told to read and does a poor job at that
He cant figure out which hand to use when he jerks off

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