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Would It Really Be That Difficult to Have a Script Running on Your TV Set or Cell Phone That Says When a Candidate in a Debate Is Lying?

Here's a clip from a movie made in 1971


go to 31:40 - and watch the screen as the advocates for their position debate an issue
eli1601 · 70-79, M
Who trusts fact checkers?
beckyromero · 36-40, F

Could have been this one - an afternoon game on Thursday, September 3, 1964.

Gaylord Perry struck him out to end the game with a man on and Smith being the tying run at the plate (after Joe Christopher led off the inning with a triple and then scored on a sac fly). Final: Giants 3, Mets 1

Willie Mays had the day off. Former Brooklyn star Duke Snider played in left. Orlando Cepeda, who just passed away, played first. Perry, Snyder and Cepeda are all in the Hall of Fame.
eli1601 · 70-79, M
@beckyromero Possible. I would have guessed August, but school for us didn't start until after Labor Day so it is possible. Thanks for looking it up.
beckyromero · 36-40, F

Labor Day would have been on September 7th that year, so if it was late summer and before school started that might be the game. I didn't check the whole season. Kind of fits what you were saying about the Mets rallying in the 9th and Smith striking out to end the game.
trollslayer · 46-50, M
Not needed with Trump. He lies 100% of the time.
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trollslayer · 46-50, M
@NoThanksLeon the fact that you are even arguing this is quite telling. Trump’s sexism is a quality endearing to your heart.
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Not a good idea. The TV screen would short circuit from overload every time Joe Biden or any liberal msm talking head opened their mouth.
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