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Biden's high energy landslide

Biden fumbled horribly in the debate, but he’s still the incumbent, very well-known, done pretty well in his term, passed several bills and had already beaten Trump once. Ah, those were the days…

Are we really thinking of throwing all of those advantages away because Biden was kinda meh in a debate?

Now, let’s put aside how Republicans and the Media are going to cheer at how Trump beat Biden so badly in the debate that he was forced into retirement and how the Democrats were “propping” him up for years blah blah blah.

Let’s talk who could replace him. Who? Kamala or Whitmer, who Republicans would deride as another Hillary? The Governor of the a conservative’s personal nightmare, California? Buttigieg, facing the Republican anti-LGBTQ propaganda fest? Whoever the Hell “Kelly” is?

Every other feasible Democrat is either already a Republican boogeyman or completely unknown and will be steamrolled by Trump’s loud hate machine.

I’m not saying that he didn’t turn off a couple voters with his performance. But let Joe loose a little, get him talking with the voters, get him on a bike and show the voters that he’s still there. He’ll be able to recoup most of the votes.
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
I will certainly vote for Biden in November. Anything to keep treasonous would-be dictator Trump out of the White House.

That said I'd prefer a younger candidate. Still, Biden on his worse day is 1000 times better than Trump.
Lucia · 36-40, T
You need better candidates. On both sides. One is so old he might forget he is in an election. When Reagan was the oldest candidate in history, he at least was able to demonstrate working faculties.

Trump does nothing but lie and simplify. I understand that some people disagree so much with the Democrats that you will vote for him. But to deny that he is a bad candidate, and even praise him, I simply don't get.
1490wayb · 56-60, M
black4white · 56-60, M
It’s hard to debate with a person the lies lies and lies …NOW both have there share but geeeez Trump just bold face lies and is delusional about so much he says. The problem is that there is no one that can say BS stop with your lies and speak truth … one that lies and one that can’t say focus… wow what options we have
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@black4white So you are completely oblivious to the lies Biden told about Trump? I didn't watch the debate and I am aware of at least 5 lies.
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1490wayb · 56-60, M
how much time did his team spend prepping him?? and with 50 years experience as well...he may not be alive for next debate
Montanaman · M
There's another debate in September i believe. 😄
redredred · M
To prove what?@Montanaman
Montanaman · M
@redredred The same as last night. 👀
redredred · M
You’re simply angling for a better room aboard the Titanic.
Yes! We want Joe!!
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hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
What colour is the sky in your world?
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