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Can we please just let these guys fight to both their deaths on stage tonight?

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akindheart · 61-69, F
i can't wait. Trump will evicerate Biden if he can keep his temper under control. CNN is hosting so the odds are against trump. Poor Biden. someone needs to put him in retirement
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Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@Reason10 Which trump kid are you?
Reason10 · 70-79, M
@Diotrephes Which ISIS kid are you?
meJess · F
Put new battery in both before the bout
SirAhmed · 31-35, M
@meJess IKR
Thodsis · 51-55, M
@meJess That won't benefit Donald.

He'll produce a new battery that runs on pig piss (or some other magical source)...
smiler2012 · 61-69
@TweekeeKeekee 🤔here is an idea too dwell on during the mid eighties during the height of the cold war there was a song release by a british group called frankie goes too hollywood called two tribes . the video too accompany the song showed then american president of the time reagan in a ring with then russian president chernenko fight it out you can watch it on you tube .lol imaging if you used this too sort out the upcoming american election trump and biden slugging it out in the ring for politicasl supremacy 😆would be a farce i think
666Maggotz · F
Just look on the bright side, both might not live long enough to even win the election.
It wouldn’t be a colossal loss, to be fair
TweekeeKeekee · 26-30, F
@SW-User It would be a gain for the country because someone (honestly anyone!) else would have to be president then.
StevetheSleeve · 31-35, M
Maybe a wheelchair race or something
1490wayb · 56-60, M
yes yes yes!!
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
Dueling pistols at 20 feet?
Thodsis · 51-55, M
Let's introduce the 'Viagra eating' round!

At least one of the gentlemen involved regards it as a swollen cock competition so why not let him prove his credentials....
Let them have this? Of course. Americans don't politics. They're just the workforce for NATO. No interfering in perfect.
Adrift · 61-69, F
I think would be more interesting to actually see some fists fly.
Why do you think they need our permission ?
TweekeeKeekee · 26-30, F
@BiasForAction Good point! They certainly already have mine lol
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
that would be a short fight... biden would just stumble around shaking hands with imaginary people until he fell off the stage... 🤔
NCCindy · 36-40, F
Joe wanted to bring Cornpop
Reason10 · 70-79, M
Unelected Joe might just vapor lock anyway. Or his Alzheimer's will shut him down.
Bottom line, he has LOST the debate because he cannot defend his record.
And he's going up against the best president in history.
tindrummer · M
@Reason10 You're claiming someone else is trolling 😅
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