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The word is out!!

The word is out the new immigration laws and policies at the southern US border make it open to all. They are handing out , government benefits, work visas, transportation , housing and voting rights to everyone. And with almost zero percent being vetted in any way. It is so well known that illegals don't even run or try or hide, They look for Border patrol agents to turn themselves in so they can start cashing in on the America. dream. This is all true. Even though the wall slowed them down and created fewer places for them to cross. It doesn't matter know. They gladly seek out law enforcement even in large groups with no attempt to flee, knowing they will be hydrated, fed, housed and put in line to collect almost all the benefits entitled to tax paying Americans. They have seen numbers of over 10,000 a day crossing the border and surrendering to border patrol agents. I don't know how many of you have been to the Eagle Pass Texas , but I have . It's a medium size town of roughly 25,000 residents. And in one day alone recently over 4,000 illegals turned themselves into border patrol.

How long can this misguided, insane, illegal , activity continue ?? Because the word is out the chumps in America are waiting or you.

This has done absolutely nothing in making America safer like they would like you to believe. In no way has made the border safer, and treating the illegals fairly ? Really? Someone seems to be forgetting the thousands and thousands of displaced veterans, the physically and mentally wounded soldiers and their families. And the pathetic and substandard health care they receive.

Not to mention an endless number of issues and problems facing our first nation peoples and other minorities where the amount of money and resources wasted on illegals would be much more deservedly and sensibly spent. Just saying !
goodlil666 · 51-55, MVIP
@windinhishair You refuse to read the report by the Dept of Homeland Security and the Border Patrol. Presented to the House committee on Homeland Security where the real truth about what is happening on the border is clearly exposed. I never said asylum seekers were carrying the drugs across the border. If you read the report just like I stated in comments to you. The mass surrender of illegals are orchestrated by the drug cartels getting border patrol to close inspection stations and abandon border surveillance leaving them unmanned and presenting easy passage of large amounts of drugs and people by cars and trucks. Read the report it tells of the Tucson sector and the del Rio sector in eagle pass closing their inspection stations to deal with the influx of illegals. Planned and directed by the drug cartels to do just that for that purpose of overwhelming them.

Hopefully some of the other people here are not to lazy and not to single minded to read an actual report to the Committee on Homeland Security by the agencies dealing with these issues from a front row seat on a daily basis.

You continue to try to rebuke the facts in the report with scripted information you obviously gathered from self serving source or unrelated information with questionable validity.

Everything I stated is not verifiable in that report just like I informed you. I am done debating this issue with people who refuse to read the entirety of the most valid , factual and complete report on the condition of the border clusterfuck going on today. I know it's to.much for your limited capacity brain to absorb and comprehend considering it is many pages and over I believe five separate phases. But for those of you not so blinded by the propaganda machine you need to see the reality they are trying to hide from you.

And this is for you windless , comments made by Chairman Green from Tn.

In just over two years of Secretary Mayorkas’ leadership, the number of encounters at our Southwest border has doubled compared to the previous administration. More than 1.5 million known gotaways have entered our country. The drug cartels control our Southwest border and are flooding our communities with fentanyl,” Chairman Green said. “This is not a coincidence—this is a dereliction of duty. As the Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas swore an oath to the Constitution and to faithfully discharge the duties of his office. But as the Committee has learned time and time again through witness testimony and firsthand insight from the frontlines of this crisis, the American people have been forced to face the devastating costs of his failure. There is no question that Secretary Mayorkas is the chief architect of the open borders policies that got us here, and it is crucial that this Committee fulfills its congressional oversight duties and leaves no stone unturned in its efforts to get the facts. This preliminary report is just the first step to get to the bottom of this crisis, demonstrate why this Committee’s investigation is necessary, and shine a light on the intentionally reckless policy decisions that have created the worst border crisis in American history.”

So you just keep refusing. to believe the truth it's a sad thing when your ego and your narrow mind won't let you accept reality staring you in the face.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@goodlil666 Got it. They shouldn't be able to eat food that Americans can eat, or get health care if they are sick or injured because they might take an appointment an American could have. But you don't hate them.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@goodlil666 actually, unless They are granted full.legal status they do not get those benefits. True though, according to EMTALA anyone appearing in an emergency room must be seen and triaged regardless of their coverage, often underinsured or uninsured US citizens. Unfortunately, in some states, the state laws are at odds with EMTALA when a woman presents with vaginal bleeding.
goodlil666 · 51-55, MVIP
@samueltyler2 Thats not true. Go back and read the updated addendums and "special exceptions" they have written in for the
regardless of immigration status recipients. Also many states hand out benefits regardless of immigration status as well.
Gosh, I sure wish Trump hadn't scotched the Senate's bipartisan border bill earlier this year.

Our immigration law, last modified in 1986 by Reagan, is long overdue for replacing. One of the biggest problems is the long time for an asylum seeker to get an asylum decision from the courts. That long decision period - often over a year - creates an incentive for people to come to the border and apply for asylum, because they are given temporary entry until the decision is made.

The Senate's bipartisan border bill would have streamlined the asylum decision process, thus greatly reducing the incentive to apply for asylum. Trump REALLY didn't want to see any improvements at the border, so he leaned on republicans to block the Senate's bipartisan border bill earlier this year.
goodlil666 · 51-55, MVIP
These are only a few of the facts your propaganda spreading and truth suppressing media just happens to leave out. Go read the whole report like I did. Dont be so willing to defend issues you only have one view and one source of information. You are doing yourselves all of America a great disservice by not pursuing the rest of the story ,the whole story

These facts are right from the dept of homeland security and only a small part of the report and reality on the border today.

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, House Committee on Homeland Security Chairman Mark E. Green, MD (R-TN) issued the following statement after the Committee released more selections from transcribed interviews conducted with Border Patrol chief patrol agents responsible for the sectors along the Southwest border. These interviews confirm the historic crisis at the Southwest border has affected the operations of Border Patrol agents in the field and limited their ability to conduct their homeland security mission, leading to more gotaways and the increased risk these individuals represent, as well as more drugs being smuggled by the criminal cartels across the border.

Here are a few of the agents in the field responses to questions from them

Chief Patrol Agent Aaron Heitke, San Diego Sector

Q: What would you say is the proportion of individuals encountered by your agents in the San Diego Sector who are turning themselves in to Border Patrol agents as opposed to trying to evade arrest?

A: Right now, the vast majority are giv[ing] up in the desert.

Q: So they’re not fleeing from agents. They’re staying put and turning themselves in—

A: Correct.

Overall, 95.8 percent of all inadmissible aliens who scheduled appointments through the app during this time were ultimately issued a “Notice to Appear” (NTA) and released into the United States on parole.
The documents show 278,431 appointments scheduled, with 266,846 of these individuals released into the interior.
Individuals from a number of countries of concern made appointments through the app and were overwhelmingly released into the country.
Out of 57,381 appointments made by Venezuelan nationals, 55,690 were released on parole, a rate of 97 percent.
Out of 20,948 appointments made by Russian nationals, 19,780 were released on parole, a rate of 94 percent.
Out of 2,279 appointments made by Uzbek nationals, 1,866 were released on parole, a rate of 82 percent.
Out of 801 appointments made by Belarusian nationals, 787 were released on parole, a rate of 98 percent.
Out of 246 appointments made by Afghan nationals, 229 were released on parole, a rate of 93 percent.
Out of 36 appointments made by Chinese nationals, 32 were released on parole, a rate of 88 percent.
Out of 18 appointments made by Iranian nationals, 16 were released on parole, a rate of 88 percent.
The app has consistently been used to release otherwise inadmissible aliens from Mexico and Northern Triangle countries.
Out of 58,772 appointments made by Mexican nationals, 55,099 were released on parole, a rate of 93 percent.
Out of 20,776 appointments made by Hondurans, 20,060 were released on parole, a rate of 96 percent.
Out of 3,939 appointments made by Guatemalans, 3,717 were released on parole, a rate of 94
goodlil666 · 51-55, MVIP
@Illyria BDS ??
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windinhishair · 61-69, M
You know, if you had just made a post about how the border situation was a mess, and we need to come up with workable solutions, I would have agreed with you 100%. But you didn't. You made it about "illegals" who are primarily legal asylum seekers entitled to certain procedures under US asylum and immigration law. You said they were being given voting rights, which is wrong and absurd. You implied that our choice is to help our veterans OR help "illegals"--we can't do both. That's not true either. We choose what we spend our money on. We can easily follow the law AND help veterans if we choose to. We can also help minorities and our first nations peoples if we so choose. It isn't that OR "illegals". We are a nation of laws, and if we don't like the laws or the consequences of those laws, we have the ability to change them. That is literally why Congress exists.
Handfull1 · 61-69, F
@goodlil666 are you there??? Right on the border?
Handfull1 · 61-69, F
@windinhishair he is ignoring me! 🙄🤔
goodlil666 · 51-55, MVIP
@Handfull1 What?
Must be an election year given this dog whistle post.
Our disgraceful failure to handle vets properly is not linked to however you see the border issues.
@goodlil666 We can do all sorts of things, and to pay for it, we need a Congress which stops cutting taxes on the richest, and trying to stop grown of our citizens (who pay Social Social security & Medicare beneficiaries, etc.).

If Republicans had played games with our national finances like they do now, the Russians would have put a person on the Moon long before we ever did, and we'd not have had the intellectual property to create to much of our modern world, or won the Cold War, etc.
goodlil666 · 51-55, MVIP
@SomeMichGuy You really think all these advancements came from earth bound scientists? Really?

Republicans and democrats both or responsible for the current pathetic state that America is in. One is just as corrupt and self serving as the other. And nothing will change until we get ride of the whole lot and change the current system with term limits, campaign limits, end lobbying and private gifts to elected and government officials, and persons in positions of public trust. And set firm and strict mandatory jail sentences along with stiff fines and penalties for any violation of the laws , regulations, and breech of public trust as well as revamping the tax laws especially for the industry, corporate and rich. As well as a variety of other issues strangling America today.
@goodlil666 Yes. The Moon shot is basically simple physics and chemistry.

And getting to semiconductors required quantum mechanics and ultrapure column IV crystals.

But if you reach for wild conspiracy theories when asked to confront the irresponsibility of Republican lawmakers, thanks for making this easy.
goodlil666 · 51-55, MVIP
@windinhishair I don't hate them by any means . But they need to fix their own dam countries before they come running here expecting Americans to pick up there bills and house and feed them. Benefits that they are not entitled to.

America has hundreds of thousands of people in every city and state that are veterans, single mothers, and displaced families living in their cars and on the streets that ARE entitled to those benefits. Benefits that millions of illegals are receiving . Not one veteran or first nation people should be homeless or in need of adequate healthcare because they have given more and paid a far higher price to rights to those benefits than any of us. Then after the veterans are taken care of go down the line with the elderly, minorities single parents , etc, etc.

Don't give me that standard political line of BS that that money comes from a different pot. It's all one pot and we owe it to our citizens especially our veterans and first nation people to help them before handouts to any foreign national .
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Handfull1 · 61-69, F
@goodlil666 if you can do all that, God bless! Adam & Eve couldn’t even behave. Honestly, I think the above issues are a bigger problem than immigration. God gave us enough for all. It’s greed and power that screwed that up since the beginning of time.
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badminton · 61-69, MVIP
Bible verses on aliens, strangers and foreigners:

The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt.
Leviticus 19:34

‘Cursed is anyone who withholds justice from the foreigner, the fatherless or the widow.’
Deuteronomy 27:19

Thus says the Lord: Render true judgments, show kindness and mercy to one another; do not oppress the widow, the orphan, the alien, or the poor; and do not devise evil in your hearts against one another.
Zechariah 7:9-10

Contribute to the needs of the saints; extend hospitality to strangers.
Romans 12:13
goodlil666 · 51-55, MVIP
@windinhishair You refuse to read the report by the Dept of Homeland Security and the Border Patrol. Presented to the House committee on Homeland Security where the real truth about what is happening on the border is clearly exposed. I never said asylum seekers were carrying the drugs across the border. If you read the report just like I stated in comments to you. The mass surrender of illegals are orchestrated by the drug cartels getting border patrol to close inspection stations and abandon border surveillance leaving them unmanned and presenting easy passage of large amounts of drugs by cars and trucks. Read the report it tells of the Tucson sector and the closing their inspection stations to deal with the influx of illegals planned to do that for that purpose of overwhelming them.
goodlil666 · 51-55, MVIP
@windinhishair You should because few of them acclimate to America, they send large amounts of their money back across the border keeping it from benefiting the communities they live in. And they fly the flags of their homeland and don't consider themselves Americans. They don't appreciate what a better life they have in America reaping numerous benefits that should only be given to citizens and not green card holders. Why should they receive benefits when the refuse to acclimate into American society and still hold allegiance to their country of origin.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@goodlil666 I see. So you don't hate immigrants. You just hate the things that immigrants do, and their beliefs, and their lack of appreciation for things you appreciate, and them sending money to family members, and flying flags from places they once lived. But not them. Got it.

The immigrants I know personally have acclimated just fine. And they are very moral and family oriented. But I haven't asked about their flags or their appreciation.
goodlil666 · 51-55, MVIP
@windinhishair I don't hate anybody, but I am not afraid to call the shots as I see and live them. I live 100 miles from the border, these issues affect me and my family far more than most Americans.

And when people become naturalized citizens the have to pledge an oath to American forsaking all others.

And you still haven't mentioned all the gotaways that are running the streets or the thousands of temp visa holders that were denied asylum and orderd to surender for deportation . You won't believe it..... they didn't show and just disappeared into America.
goodlil666 · 51-55, MVIP
@James25 I believe these are the links to phase two and five the final report. I highly suggest you at least read the highlights of each report to get the scope and depth of this catastrophic failure of the current border policy.


This is the link to the final of five reports
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James25 · 61-69, M
@goodlil666 thank you I will check them out
James25 · 61-69, M
@goodlil666 I read over the material that you linked in your post. I do agree that there continues to be problems dealing with the southern border. And that there needs to be a continuing bipartisan effort to improve how it is dealt with.
James25 · 61-69, M
It is a secret plot to replace White Republicans especially Trump supporters with illegal aliens to vote Democrat. And it is also summertime and climate change is causing extreme heat so they need them to work outside because it's too hot for white people to work outside. Also to clean toilets because white people don't like to clean toilets.
Handfull1 · 61-69, F
@James25 the last two sentences are probably correct! The US has many that think they’re beneath these jobs and ones that rant the most are often ones that have hired help.
goodlil666 · 51-55, MVIP
@James25 I work outside everyday, and I live in the desert where daytime highs in the summer often exceed 110°F.
James25 · 61-69, M
@goodlil666 I was just joking around
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
You do know that the Senate came up with a bipartisan supported immigration nill. Guess who told his minions to block it?
goodlil666 · 51-55, MVIP
@SomeMichGuy And it is single minded , woke people like you that will.continue to keep America down and keep getting the same old corrupt, self serving politicians and corporate guided government we have today.
@goodlil666 so much anger and hatred against anything that you perceive to be “woke”. You don’t even know the meaning of the word 😂
@goodlil666 ? Lmao

I am single-minded? I'm not sure what you are getting at, but let's go back to:

(Income - Expenses < 0) <=> (deficit exists)



(Less_income - Expenses is even more negative) so (deficit INCREASES)

goodlil666 · 51-55, MVIP
@Handfull1 By limiting and defining the
requirements of asylum seekers that can qualify for entry into the country, is one place to start.
Handfull1 · 61-69, F
@goodlil666 you are picking on one group. That will not change much with the other groups you mentioned. The money will not go where it belongs because someone else will have their hands out first. You would need to restructure the entire government body. And don’t forget every change sets off an entire set of new problems. That’s where the problem lies. No easy answers. People just think they have them but fail miserably almost every time.
goodlil666 · 51-55, MVIP
@Handfull1 I just responded with a few suggestions far more needs to be done obviously but at least I have suggestions . If you read many of my previous comments to the boot licking sheep on both sides , I have many more suggestions that I believe would help but number one is canning every elected official in office today and establish public oversight committees of private citizens and set strict regulations with penalties and jail sentences of violators with real jail time in real jails.
Handfull1 · 61-69, F
@goodlil666 of course that’s never going to happen. We have to do better as individuals working with what we have today while working on change for tomorrow. Mostly it will be up to future generations…if we survive at all. I continue to have hope but am also realistic.
RedBaron · M
Not “just saying” so much as just copying and pasting.
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RedBaron · M
Just saying!

If you weren’t claiming it to be original thought, why did you say that?

WTF does “Just saying” even mean?
FloorGenAdm · 51-55, M
I can't even walk out of the Walmart without somebody checkin MY paper.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
Guess there's only one thing for you to do: emigrate.
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goodlil666 · 51-55, MVIP
I know you didn't read the whole report because you didn't mention some of the other evil and intentional reasons for creating mass border crossings. Overwhelming the border patrol offices causing them to close inspection stations and abandon border surveillance to process the huge influx of illegals. Orchestrated by the drug cartels for that reason. Allowing vastly more drugs and other people to buy smuggled into America, because no one is watching the store. And that is making our border safer how???
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@goodlil666 I corrected some of your obvious lies. You also know, or should, that most drugs aren't coming across with immigrants seeking asylum. They come in through port cities on container ships and by other means. But you choose to blame it on legal asylum seekers to satisfy your hate.
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James25 · 61-69, M
@goodlil666 can you provide a link to the source that you are quoting? That would make it easier to validate what you are saying.
Handfull1 · 61-69, F
@goodlil666 how do you know what you’re reading is the truth? If you truly trust no one, then you should be questioning everything. A report can be skewed like anything else.
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goodlil666 · 51-55, MVIP
@BigBulge You need to check the laws buddy , 10 states allow non citizens to vote on local elections.
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