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Burger flippers in California make $4 an hour more than healthcare workers ????????

Photo above - "I got a $4 an hour raise by quitting my job at the hospital to work at Taco Bell. Ask me how !"

Okay, by now everybody know that fast food workers have a new $20 minimum wage. (And have promised to vote democrat for the rest of their lives). But what about everybody else in California? What’s their minimum wage? Um . . . that would be $16. Stop laughing, it’s 100% true. Check out the link below. Credentialed healthcare workers (those at minimum wage) make 4 bucks an hour less than the dropout who asks “ . . . you want fries with that?”

The article doesn’t say if thousands of healthcare workers are deserting their jobs to get a 25% pay hike a Taco Bell. Maybe some are. And don’t forget all the free food they could score! So something has to be done, right?

The SIMPLE solution would be to instantly make the healthcare workers' pay the same as fast food workers. Plus possibly implement “Taco Wednesday” in hospital break rooms. But no . . . that would be too simple. The California state government has a bait and switch/smoke and mirrors plan. Raise the minimum for healthcare workers to $26. Over the next 10 years. In the meantime still pay them professionals less than Chalupa Lady. In fact, not a penny more until 2025. And then it comes in a trickle.

While all the chicanery and drama? California has a $45 billion (with a B) budget deficit. They simply CANNOT AFFORD to pay their own healthcare workers what barista makes. This is completely true. Read the link. We don't know how much the $20 burger flipper wage is costing fast food restaurants. Probably billions, but perhaps not as much as $45 billion.

Okay, here’s the REALLY funny part. Why does California have a $45 Billion budget shortfall? That's because of all the millionaires and billionaires leaving for places like Texas, Florida, and other states with normal taxes. They’re not only fleeing income taxes that are over the moon, but the new California plan to confiscate 1-2% of their stocks and other paper assets annually, as a “wealth tax”.

This should be a wake-up call to everyone who says “we can always raise taxes on the rich. Over and over. And there’s nothing they can do”.

Just watch them . . . they’re already doing it. Anyone who didn’t see this coming is a moron.

I’m just sayin’ . . .

~California Democrats agree to delay health care worker minimum wage increase to help balance budget (
Next time you're ordering fast food, make sure to show that same contempt to the workers that you show here. I'm sure they'll appreciate it.

California's mistake was raising taxes on the rich without setting limits on the wealth they can take out of state. Income tax tends to be volatile anyway, which is why most states rely on property taxes.

In the 1950s, the top marginal tax rate was around 93%, yet the rich didn't flee the country. Instead, we were able to fund massive infrastructure projects like the highway system and the space program. I'm just sayin'...
SusanInFlorida · 31-35, F
@LeopoldBloom done and done. i pulled out line at the mcdonald's drive thru on Saturday. The lady taking our orders was screaming so loud her voice was completely distorted. We pulled out and went to a location where sober people were working the noon shift.
@SusanInFlorida You may have just narrowed your dating pool. Some people won't date anyone who is rude to food service workers and other low wage employees.
SusanInFlorida · 31-35, F
@LeopoldBloom some people won't eat at places where the waitstaff are rude and/or high. i'm one of them. it that affects my dating prospects, i consider it a feature, not a problem
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
I am genuinely confused 🤷‍♀️ You have managed to criticise the state government simultaneously for increasing the minimum wage at all, then for not increasing it by enough or sufficiently quickly. And last week the budget deficit was apparently due to the high cost of building social housing, not the mass migration of the wealthy.

Let them flee, let the markets correct themselves. Let governments get on with doing what they should be doing . . protecting their most vulnerable citizens. Nothing to get hot and bothered about 😌
SusanInFlorida · 31-35, F
@SunshineGirl you have poor reading skills.

the point was stated clearly multiple times. credentialed healthcare workers should be paid more than dropouts flipping burgers.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
@SusanInFlorida Your contempt for low paid workers in certain sectors is noted, if still inexplicable.

When burger flipping jobs are consigned to history by economic forces, AI, divine retribution, etc, will.the "dropouts" make other low paid occupations equally "worthless"? Refuse collectors? Healthcare assistants? Nursery workers?
SusanInFlorida · 31-35, F
@SunshineGirl there is no contempt. just an expectation of courtesy and sobriety.

i bet you're a hoot at your own job, eh?
You're gonna give the "living wage" crowd a brain aneurysm with this.
pdockal · 56-60, M
MethDozer · M
That's why we need to tax the rich on the national level
SusanInFlorida · 31-35, F
@MethDozer i knew someone would come up with this. hows the meth today?
MethDozer · M
@SusanInFlorida I know, I know. Those poor, downtrodden, scapegoated rich class that game the entire system in their favor. Which already was to begin with. They give just so much and get so little privilege and glory.
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