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Oh, snap. Now low cost ($30K) EVs are coming from Europe, not just China.

Photo above – you can now get a Chinese EV from one of the 300 Volvo dealers in America. And it’s made in Europe, not China.

The White House just can’t catch a break this election year. It wasn’t but a week or two ago they announced a trade war with China – 100% import taxes on their affordable EVs. But like most poorly researched ideas, this one immediately exploded in a spectacular fireball. It turns out that China owns the Volvo brand. And is already churning out Belgian made Volve EX30s, which are all the rage in Europe. See link below.

Most people probably don’t even know that China owns Volvo. Or that they bought the famous car brand from Ford in 2010. Ford agreed to the sale after pressure from President Obama’s “car czar” to create more UAW jobs here at home. I guess the thinking in 2010 was that nobody would want Volvos if Ford no longer made them. And those buyers would all demand Ford Fusions and Escapes. Oops . . .

So now we’re going to get $30,000 EVs from Belgium, with the well-known brand name Volvo. Through an existing Volvo dealer network. You won't have to ask “who” when someone starts extolling the virtues of “Geeley” or “BYD” (build your dream). You won't have to wait for China to open a "BYD" dealership in your state. Just mosey on over the Volvo store. The EX30 will soon be in stock.

Of course, the White House COULD simply slap 100% tariffs on Volvos from Belgium too. But to the Europeans, that’s going to look like a trade war targeting THEM. Since those Belgian EX30 assembly lines support thousands of workers who pay millions in taxes. Money stuff is complicated, no?

If the UAW is aware of this conundrum, they haven’t squawked yet. Everywhere they turn, there are existential threats to their new $140,000 contracts, churning out Ford F150s you can't afford. Of course buyers CAN opt for the Ford Mustang Mach E battery powered car. Which costs about $65,000. Quick question – which would YOU opt for? The $65,000 Mach E with the optional dealer applied protection package: rustproofing, fabric waterproofing, and ceramic paint sealant? Or the $30,000 Volvo?

Emergency meeting in the Oval Office! All hands-on deck! This might Volvo thing come up during next week's debate, and Biden needs to be drilled on this, whatever his position will be. Does America want car inflation because of European tariffs, or more EV sales? How to choose?

I’m just sayin’ . . .

Volvo hints US-bound EX30 may come from the EU amid EV tariffs (
AndysAttic · 56-60, M
I am not that impressed with the mileage of these machines but I do realise we need to change our habits, I suppose horse riders felt the same way the first time they saw a motorised vehicle.
SusanInFlorida · 31-35, F
@AndysAttic people in NYC thought gasoline powered cars were a godsend. No more wading through horse manure and street gutters running with horse urine. Horse pulled everything from cabs to streetcars to private coaches. Check out "the guilded age" on TV. Which features zero horse manure because every scene is CGI generated.
eMortal · M
Watch this
eMortal · M
@SusanInFlorida We're long passed that time where getting an EV required submitting an application 6 months in advance then praying to be approved lol
SusanInFlorida · 31-35, F
@eMortal @eMortal the pandemic business model of Ford and Chevrolet has failed.

1 - come to the dealership and take a test drive.

2 sign a contract to pay the sticker price, and perhaps a markup, because inventory is near zero.

3 - wait 6 weeks, and pray the dealer doesn't change the price, because the agreement is non binding on the seller.
eMortal · M
@SusanInFlorida horrible!!
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
I think you mean assembled in europe with chinese parts...
SusanInFlorida · 31-35, F
@wildbill83 that's absolutely true. And Hondas are assembled in America . . . with Chinese parts made to order for Honda.

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