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U.S. Attorney Who Went After Praying Grandma Drops Charges Against DC Carjacker That Killed Elderly Woman

Police in Washington, D.C. reported last week that a female suspect carjacked a vehicle with an elderly woman still inside outside a hospital.

The suspect crashed the car just three miles away near U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves’ office last Monday.

The elderly woman was unable to escape during the crime, and died after the incident.

Fury ignited online after the carjacker had all of the charges against her dropped.

Internet sleuths also pointed out that Graves was the same U.S. Attorney who prosecuted a praying grandma for blocking an abortion clinic late last year.

One X user said, “it took only 3 days for DC US Attorney Matthew Graves to drop murder and kidnapping charges in the carjacking case that killed an elderly woman at the doorstep of his office.”

“Seemingly, Graves only prosecutes grandmas,” they said, adding, “Not their killers.”

The praying grandma is now going to jail for two years.

Graves said of the ordeal: “Our Constitution and laws protect many rights – to protest, to debate, to advocate for different laws. But no one is entitled to deprive other people of their civil rights. That’s a crime.”

“With locks, with chains, with violence, these defendants conspired to prevent fellow citizens from exercising their rights to receive and to provide reproductive health care.”

“As these verdicts show, our city will not tolerate that, and our department will ensure justice is done,” he continued.

Graves was promptly ripped on X for dropping the charges against the carjacker who crashed and killed the elderly woman near his office.

One user said, “Man, that’s terrible. This leniency needs to stop. I can’t imagine what this grandma’s family is feeling right now. I would want vengeance.”

Another replied, “This isn’t leniency, this is aiding and abiding.”

Resist the Mainstream reported on another woman who was sentenced to prison for blocking an abortion clinic, sparking an uproar online.

Pro-life activist Lauren Handy was sentenced to four years and nine months in prison for leading a blockade at one abortion clinic in Washington, D.C., in 2020.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) requested that Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly sentence Handy to 6.5 years, while her attorneys requested only one year.

X users again ripped the blatant double standard on display by prosecutors.

Some lawmakers like Utah Senator Mike Lee echoed this outcry following Handy’s sentencing, criticizing Biden’s DOJ for its handling of pro-life activists in public statements.

Lee claimed the DOJ was responsible for “unjustly” persecuting pro-life activists while exposing the “horrors of abortion,” Resist the Mainstream reported.

“The Biden administration is using the FACE Act to give pro-life activists and senior citizens lengthy prison terms for non-violent offenses and protests—all while turning a blind eye to the violence, arson, and riots conducted on behalf of ‘approved’ leftist causes,” Lee said.
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