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what can you do when you're worried

i worry nigel farage will win this upcoming election and i don't want him to win, because he is not for people like me who is on benefits for legitimate reasons and who relies on the NHS....how can i not worry that he will get into power with reform?
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F Best Comment
Thanks to the first past the post electoral system, there is little chance that he will win the seat he is standing for, let alone enough seats to have an influence on policy. Tbh, I would be more worried about the Conservative Party getting back in (although not much to worry about here either).
MarthannBann888 · 70-79, F

I have heard British commentators say that the districts have been gerrymandered to prevent any harmful appearances of the earner class attempting to slow the whole sale confiscation of their efforts. I doubt earners will have any success as they have been universally excoriated by the press as being evil due to their unwillingness to contribute their fair share to the recipient class. No one has yet to bring these malcontents around to work for the support of others regardless of the legitimate needs of the recipient class. The earner class can be downright paranoid in their suspicion of the recipient class’s actual and real need. I would work towards demonstrating real need so as to keep the earner class in the yokes, and to excoriate them to the point that their own children will hate.

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