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a neutral observation...very LIBERAL albemarle county virginia tv station is airing NUMEROUS ads for TRUMP supporting candidates nonstop.

i have not seen a single ad for biden or any democrat...money talks i guess louder than their beliefs\ethics.
without virginia in the democrat column like it has been several recent elections, biden will lose and be a one term president.
Northwest · M
You do understand that media is required to air ads, right? They could be sued if they don’t.
lpthehermit · 56-60, M
@Northwest have democrats written off virginia?? our 13 votes are worthless to them?? we are an important swing state
Northwest · M
@lpthehermit The President too Virginia by a 10.2 points margin.

You may not be seeing an ad blitz, because party strategists decided that now is not the right time. In my state, which is deep blue, some districts ask the party not to spend in certain places, because it's best to spend the money where it's needed.
@lpthehermit asks
have democrats written off virginia??

According to 538, most polls have Biden leading in VA by a few points; the democrats aren't worried.

I suspect the trumpsters are testing if an ad blitz will nudge the numbers in a measurable way. Or perhaps the trumpsters are trying to boost support for Bob Goode's upcoming primary. I also suspect that both parties have made down-payments for plenty of airtime in Sept-Oct, when it will matter.
Duh. The Republicans only make policies for the rich. That's why most billionaires are funding Trump.

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