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Who did I vote for? And please provide proof.

I get a kick out of the SW horde of know-it-all TDS liberal Democrat extremists who are always telling ME who I voted for. WHAT MAROOONS😂
Maia19 · 26-30, F
For close to the past six years, it’s been my experience here on SW that anybody accusing someone else posting something negative about Trump of having TDS identify as MAGA republicans. In this case, identifying them as “liberal Democrat extremists” seems to provide a definite sense of confirmation. Just my two cents, from someone who’s a registered Independent. 🤷‍♀️
@Maia19 Because I don't have to. That's why we have a secret ballot.
Maia19 · 26-30, F
@NoThanksLeon Whatever you say, homie. 🙄
@Maia19 Am I in error?
I know a lot of Neo-Nazis didn't vote in 2020, since they finally realized Trump lied about the wall.
Is this your way of saying you didn't vote in 2020?
No thanks Leon... you're laying a trap. (So you must be a sneaky MAGA!)
smiler2012 · 56-60
[@nothanksleons] 🤔do you mean macaroons lol 😆
I should think that you're the only one who can legally provide proof
@ImperialAerosolKidFromEP Never said you were. I asked IF you were. 🙄
@NoThanksLeon Another one bites the dust with foot lodged in mouth. 😂
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@Strictmichael75 You must, since you took the time to reply. 😂 Temper, temper.

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