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Feminism and the negation of gender identity.

Of no little significance is this inquiry of the nature of love and human realization on the dignity and vocation of women.

The human being should always and only exist as a woman or a man.

This very formulation, which grounds sexual difference in the mystery of creation, lies in contrast to the highly influential slogan of Simone de Beauvoir: “One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman.”
sree251 · 41-45, M
Obviously, the person has no gender identity. The body, if perfectly formed, is either male or female.

Does the person have a metaphysical (spiritual) nature or is it a psychological emanation of the brain?
sree251 · 41-45, M
@sree251 If the person is spiritual in the traditional sense, its gender identity conforms to the sex of the body; if it is not, than all bets are off.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@sree251 Feminism is new-age, and informed by a way of thinking arising in late 20th century Western society. The typical feminist is an atheist; otherwise, her spirituality is adapted from a variety of ancient and modern cultures that emphasize beliefs outside the mainstream and advances alternative approaches to spirituality, right living, and health.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@sree251 At any rate, a feminist is not a woman.
sree251 · 41-45, M
The human being should always and only exist as a woman or a man.

It never occurred to me that I could be anything else. I am just a minder of the body to which I am yoked. The body has nothing to do with me. What I am,I do not know.
The human being should always and only exist as a woman or a man.

sree251 · 41-45, M
I agree that stable families are important, but the modern concept of the Christian family is very new.

There in only one concept of the Christian family that conforms to the teaching of the Church. It is based on the metaphysical nature of humanity that is comprised of two aspects: male and female.

Modernity is the self-definition of a generation about its own governance. To participate in modernity is to conceive of one's society as engaging in organizational and knowledge advances that make one's immediate predecessors appear antiquated or, at least, surpassed.

What is a modern Christian family? Two men and a baby?
There in only one concept of the Christian family that conforms to the teaching of the Church. It is based on the metaphysical nature of humanity that is comprised of two aspects: male and female.

In Catholic doctrine, sure. But in practice, that's very new, even in the Catholic world. During the Middle Ages, marriage and childcare were extremely different from how it is now. Same goes for things like gender roles.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@BohemianBabe [quote] In Catholic doctrine, sure. But in practice, that's very new, even in the Catholic world. During the Middle Ages, marriage and childcare were extremely different from how it is now. Same goes for things like gender roles. [/quote

Ideology and practices are two different matters. We are discussing feminism and its legitimacy in social order.
Gringo · 46-50, M
ChatGPT at its finest
Bumbles · 51-55, M

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