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For College Sociology graduates (or those with other useless degrees making them unemployable) who face large student loan bills, here's you solution:


Let me count the ways:
1. Either your state is facing a teacher shortage or it pays teachers very well.
2. You merely have to CERTIFY (pass a few tests) to get your own classroom.
3. NO college degree AT ALL will train you how to teach. You begin learning how to teach the FIRST DAY YOU STAND BEFORE A CLASSROOM. Name ONE OTHER job the comes anywhere near such an easy entry level.
4. The schools usually give you a lesson plan for whatever grade you decide to teach. Yes, it's a lot of work and a lot of headaches, but you have a job (one that people will call you a HERO for taking) and you can pay off your student loan.
5. It pays MORE than congregating with a bunch of fcking IDIOTS demanding Jews be exterminated and student loans be forgiven.
Right, I know, those who can't do - teach! And those who can't teach become substitute teachers, LOL!!!

But most sociology majors go into human resources; some take up counseling; but you're gonna have a tough time luring people to teach in Florida where the governor threatens them with felony prosecution if they should name the wrong book or mention the existence of same sex marriage🤣😂
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@ElwoodBlues that is a stale and despicable joke.

Were it not for our devoted teachers where would we all be?

I owe my career, the income I was able to make based on my education, and all that evolved from that, the service o provide to the community, the salaries of my staff i paid, and the charitable donations make, to the teachers i had. I was educated totally in public schools.

I do have to admit to my bias, I taught medical students for almost 50 years, in addition to the service I provided that paid my wages, and received no extra compensation for teaching.
Reason10 · 61-69, M
Boys and girls, as usual the ignoramuses here are unable to debate without direct insults. And I rarely let such an occasion go by without putting them in their place.
I have been a Florida substitute teacher since the year 2000. (I may be older than a lot of school principals.) Because of my experience, I've been offered full time teaching jobs by several really fine schools. (Then again, ALL Florida schools are really fine, compared to those inferior ignoramus mills of the blue states.) I tell them all the same thing: There's NO WAY I'm at all good enough to do the job as a teacher. (By that I mean I don't really care about children that much to go through so much bullshit.)

I don't need the income of a sub, much less that of a teacher. I have another career that pays very well and allows me time. I LIKE substitute teaching and being able to pick and choose the school and grade for the day. I like the idea of being able to take a day off if I don't want to work. (even though I rarely do.)

The teachers at these schools (which are vastly superior to any blue state schools, just look at the Woke idiots at this forum for proof of that) respect me for my abilities and they are happy to see me.

By the way, you can thank the Department of Education for pulling working teachers out of classrooms for bullshit meetings and seminar, creating more sub shifts for me. Schools treat me like a hero for being there.

I'm not as big a hero as the actual Florida teacher and I tell them that. But it's one of the reasons I still work the job. That and the ability to learn more on the job than ANYONE here on the left.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Would we want to give these degenerates the opportunity to poison the minds of our descendants? Working as a garbage collector is more appropriate with mandatory paycheck withholding until student is paid in full. Throw them the bone of making it interest free which if they had brains would have been deductible anyways will make less work for the IRS assuming they actually file tax returns.
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Reason10 · 61-69, M
@samueltyler2 @samueltyler2 I'm not complaining about insults. I'm not bothered by them. I"m a little irritated by lies and stupidity. And I just put the entitled perpetrators in their place.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
BINGO @Reason10
Northwest · M
With the exception of a couple of states (Minnesota and Rhode Island) where college education is required, you still need to have special certifications, and in just about every state, teaching STEM and other courses, does require STEM (and specialized) education.

But, perhaps you should familiarize yourself with how education works.

Those with student loans qualify for loan forgivness, if they choose teaching, in certain cases.

BTW, a lesson plan, is not a substitute for teacher qualification.
Northwest · M

Let's start with the important stuff. I'm concerned about that twitch in your hands. Seems as if you pasted my name three times. You should see someone about it.

Now let's get to your claims.

n other words, you were educated in an inferior blue state and couldn't even READ the first post. Either that or you are a LIAR.

I was educated in a blue state. Two of them as a matter of fact. California and Massachusetts. Come to think of it, the top 10 schools in the nation (mostly the world as well), are in blue states. I'm sorry you have an inferiority complex. If you pick the top 20, both Duke and Rice are in solid blue pockets in red states.

But other than showing you're rabid, I don't know what this has to do with what I said.

ALL Florida teachers are qualified. They ALL have to have a minimum BACHELOR'S DEGREE. They ALL have to be certified by the state and by the county they teach in. So there is no lesson plan versus teacher qualification conflict.

Talking about college degree in education, dumb dumb. Florida does not require it. As far I know, only states do (and I mentioned that in my post). You also missed the part in my comment, where I said that certifications are needed. You might want to re-read, when you're not frothing from the mouth as much. Things may make more sense.

On my last school visit, less than a year ago, to a Florida school, the Vice Principal told me they were having issues, because they were trying to teach courses at Washington State levels, but they're three levels behind.

INONE of the preparation for the teacher IN ANY FCKING STATE IN AMERICA, prepares that teacher for the first day on the job. ANY qualified teacher will tell you that. And the lesson plan has to be in place or the classroom turns into a free for all.

I'm sure in your rabid rage, you think I said that people are automatically qualified to teach, or that I claimed that a lesson plan does not have to be in place. But that's just you, you make it up as you go.

Nice doggy.
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@BohemianBabe I'm sure you'd choose the left 🤭
@BritishFailedAesthetic I can't put into words how much I would love for Belle Delphine to be president. We don't need the first female president. We need the first egirl president.
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wildbill83 · 36-40, M
here's a better solution; get a practical technical degree from a community college & get a real job like everyone else... 🤔
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
If you teach on some locations, it may enable you to qualify for loan forgiveness.
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samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@Reason10 you really sunk to a new low! Calling me a Nazi is beyond despicable. Saying that in 2020 your messiah was duly elected ignores the 50 odd court cases that found that Biden won in a fair and just election with no significant abnormalities. Lastly, President Biden has not had any of his opponents arrested.
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Patriot96 · 56-60, C
That goes for gender studies too
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Reason10 · 61-69, M
@MarmeeMarch @MarmeeMarch @MarmeeMarch We should only be so lucky that an entitled grad with a sociology degree would even ENTER a burger joint, much less apply for a job there.

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