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Project 2025 should be huge news. Why isn't it?

Why isn't it being reported on every single day? If it's implemented, it will mean the end of democracy.

And for those of you who inexplicably think Wikipedia is evil, have it right from the horse's mouth.

Everyone should be terrified that this is a thing.
trollslayer · 46-50, M
Seems absolutely dumbfounding to me that a "Conservative" organization is pushing for a more powerful federal government. I don't know how many times the corpses of Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan can roll over in their graves.
I've been wondering myself about the apathy towards this. Presidential historian Douglas Brinkley says it would mean:

“the end of our democracy and the birth of a new kind of authoritarian presidential order

Everyone is still cracking jokes about Trump but the joke is far from funny anymore. He's going end the office as we know it. Basically what's been here since the founding fathers will be replaced.
News is privatized. Americans don't get that means they're a controlled population, not a country. Or they do. Does not matter. Durp duhhh and a huge output of war and pollution are the destination. The only destination.

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