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This is why the electoral college exists...

The red in the center of the United States is equal in population to the orange on both coasts of the United States.
easily explained.
the founders didnt want the one giant populated city deciding whats best for an entire country,

sorry dems. you might have the numbers in SF and NY... but theres another 48 states who need a voice too..
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout The United States is a Constitutional Republic, a form of true Socialism as outlined in the Constitution's We the People Preamble and Bill of Rights, restricting the government, giving us the power.

Democracy definition: When ten wolves and nine sheep decide what's for dinner.
22Michelle · 61-69, T
I very much doubt they thought thaf far ahead, given there were onky 13 states. The expectation was that all states would be more or less equal in population.
@22Michelle I'm sure they were thinking that far ahead due to Delaware, Rhode Island, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine, were, and still are, smaller population states compared to New York, Massachussetts, Pennsylvania, Virgina, New Jersey, Both Carolinas, and Georgia. Which brand did your mama prefer to feed you while growing up, Sherman Williams, or Glidden? 🤔
22Michelle · 61-69, T
@NativePortlander1970 Like mine, your opinion does not constitute a fact. Do you really think they foresaw 50 states, votes for women, etc? And I have no idea about thise foods you've mentioned. Why is it so many Americans can't debate, or even exchange opinions, without resorting to abuse?

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