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I want to exonerate California from its latest $20 Billion boondoggle . . .

Photo above - a California state employee attempts to determine why this person is still homeless after the state spent $20 billion on the problem. (Hint - drugs might be a factor).

Today's link is from the LA Times. They have a love/hate relationship with Governor Newsom. The Times loves him because he's reliable clickbait, to get eyeballs and ad revenue. They hate him because he's such an utter failure at progressive policy.

Case in point: The Times is steamed because Newsom's administration spent $20 billion on homelessness and “has not ensured the accuracy of the information”. That's government-speak for: “we spent a bunch of money, and don't know where it went.”

Actually, they DO know a lot. Big bucks for rent subsidies, and homeless shelters. That would seem like a plausible answer, if the question is how to get people off the streets, no? Out of tents, and from under highway bridges. Into someplace with a toilet and running water.

What the state of California DOESNT know is why their plan didn't work. In fact, homelessness is up 53% in the past decade, and 6% in the just the last year alone. ¡ Ay caramba ! . . . The numbers are going in the wrong direction.

I won't be a crank, and say that if things are in a death spiral, California should reverse course and just do the opposite of whatever they're up to now. Clearly, politicians can't spend ZERO on the problem. They'd get tossed out on election day.

Okay, let's divide $20 billion by those 180,000 people needing help. That would be . . . $111,000 per needy person. Wait - that seems too high, let me double check. Nope – same answer. $111,000 per person. And they still live in tents, and under bridges. WTH!!

This is where the California State Auditor (who leaked to the LA Times) comes in. Let's follow the money! (This is the tagline from the Nixon-Watergate investigation). I'm sure when (if?) the $20 billion is dissected, we're going to find astonishingly large amounts went to consultant reports, feasibility studies, demographic analysis, additional staff for various agencies, staff for state senators, fact finding travel to other cities states . . .

Stop laughing. You absolutely know this is where the money went. If you object to my theory, please post a link to any “affordable housing” apartment building constructed AND completed with taxpayer dollars. I'm going to press ahead while you start looking.

I promised I'd let the Governer and his friends off the hook, and I'm a person of my word. Gavin's $20 billion adventure is irrelevant, because California's waste, fraud, and abuse is insignificant to how the US congress handled the “pandemic stimulus”. THAT cost a whopping $1 trillion. About 50X more than California's failed attempt to help the homeless. And like California, the US government admits there were almost no safeguards in place to ensure the money wasn't frittered away on fraud and useless programs. So . . . California is simply walking in the footsteps of the US congress. There's no demonstrable benefit to the US economy from all the lockdowns, and subsequent and paycheck replacement programs. There are no benefits from California spending $20 billion on homelessness.

California bureaucrats - charges dismissed. You're free to go. But I want to jail the masterminds behind this sort of scam – the US congress. In the meantime, California, you might want the re-think your legalization of narcotics . . .

I'm just sayin' . . .

California fails to track effectiveness of billions spent on homelessness, audit finds (
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Removing the homeless is far more expensive than housing us would be.
Good for you.
SusanInFlorida · 31-35, F
@Roundandroundwego nobody said "remove them". you may be hallucinating again. in various posts i've advocated:

- stopping narcotics from entering the USA

- rolling back legalization of drugs

- better mental health care for people (I can't understand why ANY vet, with veterans administration health care eligibility) isn't getting treatment.

- arrest and deportation of members of foreign gangs selling drugs and trafficking women in the usa

- zoning changes to make construction of affordable housing more feasible.

you can look these up, in case you missed any of it.
@SusanInFlorida dealing with and helping the homeless are all really removal. Three great big RVs parked on the street I clean houses for - nobody "living" in them, Thank God!". Like you do.
DavidT8899 · 22-25, M
@SusanInFlorida A serious question:can you understand a single word of what roundandroundwego is saying?I really want to know!
@DavidT8899 California spent over one hundred million removing us last year, but that's enough to permanently house everyone who is currently homeless in California. Does not mean a thing to conservatives.