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Castenmas · M
I’ll watch your war on HD TV from the comfort of another continent

Reason10 · 61-69, M
There isn't going to be a civil war.
Had there been mass communication in this country the last time there was an actual civil war, the slave owning Democrats in the south never would have started it. The south had no standing army, no munitions factories, no war related infrastructure involved.

If there were a real civil war, those of us MAINSTREAM CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICANS would be comforted knowing that our enemy are a bunch of idiots who don't believe in guns and who don't know which restroom to use. If they were stupid enough to try to start one, it would be over in a hurry.
Reason10 · 61-69, M
Your perception of racism is nuanced, and needs clarification. Can you explain your definition of "racism"? I don't think it is that of the typical discussant in this forum.

You noticed, haven't you?
The typical liberal definition of "racist" is ANYTHING THAT DISAGREES WITH THE FAR LEFT.

The factual definition is "judging someone, discriminating against someone based on race."

That pretty much sums it up for you left wing goose steppers. After all, you gave us the KKK.
sree251 · 41-45, M
The factual definition is "judging someone, discriminating against someone based on race."

As an educator, do you have any need to make distinction among different students in your classroom based on race to determine the demographic? Is that being racist and wrong? How would you know how many white kids you have in your class, how many latinos, how many Asians, how many blacks. You could treat them all the same way but is it racist to recognize who is who by race?
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what we got here is failure to communicate
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
@PepsiColaP thanks Struther
if one was to break out.
lets hope this time, the citizens pick the government as the enemy and not half of their own fellow citizens..
sladejr · 56-60, M
@NativePortlander1970 So how are you so sure this is due to SUVs somewhere and not the trends that have been happening since the beginning of the earth.

Name a period when the climate was stagnant and didn't vary at all
@sladejr It's the entire world collectively, add all the vehicles, factories, and other stuff globally, you'll have your answer.
sladejr · 56-60, M
@NativePortlander1970 and the entire world is not a trend? The man made part of glowball warmening is probably the widest ranging hoax in history
CursedFurudeRika · 22-25
Yeah. Especially if they would wipe my criminal record for it.
@CursedFurudeRika So you'd fight for whichever side offered to do that?
CursedFurudeRika · 22-25
@LeopoldBloom No because I'm not motivated to fight against my interests. I'd just be more willing to take more risks for the furthest-left faction if they made the offer.
kodiac · 22-25, M
I'd join if it was everyone against the real enemy.
kodiac · 22-25, M
@Elessar You used putin as an example of a civil war ,not me.How many states sent national guard to help Texas because the govt won't secure the border? ,states from north south east and west. That doesn't sound like a population ready to fight each other . It is a population standing up to a govt that has lost its mind .. There could be a war someday, but it won't be a civil war
Elessar · 26-30, M
@kodiac I didn't, it was you mentioning him first here:
I disagree ,usually it's some lunatic like putin.

If Republicans cared about the border they wouldn't have killed the border bill. The whole thing is a mere pretext for riling up the maga crowd, nothing more, nothing less.

Also, that's your opinion and the opinion of the minority who's in Trump's cult. The American voters have elected Biden as a preferred candidate over Trump two times already, potentially soon to be three (and this in spite of the electoral college). The "govt that had lost it mind" got kicked out in 2020, was held down in 2022, and will hopefully continue to stay out in 2024.
@kodiac Don't be shy. Tell us who the real enemy is, Adolf.
QueenOfZaun · 26-30, F
I would have to disguise myself as a boy
Pfuzylogic · M
Against the felon that commited a crime with epstein at the northern manhattan apartment?
You know it.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
I probably would have participated in the Spanish one. For multiple reasons, I'm an Orwell fanboy.
redredred · M
An angry capable insurgency is more likely.
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Absolutely not.
If it involves taking down Marxist ambitious governments, the World Economic forum, United Nations, Bilderberg, Black Rock, Vanguard, Freemasons, Illuminati, and the Jesuits………..Count me in.
PleasurePunch · 100+
no. Just like today

I would address it and find shelter from its dangerous predations.
Boleuskas · M
Lived through one, i wouldnt wish it to anyone
We didn't get a vote on that. We won't.
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
Depends why we are fighting
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RageAgainstTheMachine · 36-40, M
The concept of Civil War in the current century baffles me. The South seceded to protect their most crucial commodity; the slave population. Without free labor, they would suffer immense fiscal loss and throw their economy into chaos. How would the plantations continue to prosper without free labor?

Either pay mass workers a fee or do it themselves. This caused war, not due to a political disagreement or the morality behind the dehumanization of an entire population, or political candidate.

The Civil War that the MAGA's, Patriots, Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, Qanons, and variety of other organizations are calling for revolve more around one man than the political ideals they claim to stand for. I have yet to solidify a discussion point beyond the undefined, all encompassing word "woke" and issues regarding personal choices such as gender and sexuality. Unlike the Civil War of the past, this will be fought not for ideals, but for an individual who promises the America they envision. That is not considered a grandiose Civil War, it is considered a simple Insurrection, regardless of how over inflated their egos have become to attempt to take up arms against the Federal Government.

Republicans and Democrats will be treated the same way in a court of law if Civil War breaks out. The law is the law regardless of intention or political leanings. Many January 6th Insurrections still sitting in jail to this day, I believe would agree with these statements as shown through the tears of the leader of the Proud Boys when brought before the judge.

In conclusion, if Civil War breaks out, we will all be subjected to Marshall Law, political party aside. I would be hard pressed to see an individual from either party stand in front of a United States Army tank waving a MAGA flag that says,'"Dont tread on me. Trump2024" or a flag with the LGBTQ colors.
@RageAgainstTheMachine Also, despite the red/blue state divide, the US isn't as sectional today as it was in 1860. We don't have red and blue states, we have blue cities and red rural areas. The cities in even the most conservative states are deep blue, and the rural areas in the most liberal states are just as red as the rural areas in red states. A civil war today would be like Syria on steroids, with cities subjected to martial law and isolated rural areas coming under the control of local warlords after the government abandons them.

The first season of Robert Evans' "It Could Happen Here" describes what we could expect. Sort it by oldest first.
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windinhishair · 61-69, M
@Patriot96 I don't see CNN supporting the Trump Cult, but I guess anything is possible.

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