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Jan Six was NOT an insurrection.


To bring the idiots here up to speed on insurrection:
The Trump rally on Jan 6 WHICH BY THE WAY WAS A CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED PUBLIC MEETING, had almost a half a million people there. If LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT TRUMP had wanted an insurrection, he would have ordered that ENTIRE CROWD to do it. These things would have happened.
1. Capitol Hill would have been burned to the ground.
2. Pretty much most if not all of Congress would be either dead or in the hospital.
3. Pretty much most of the Supreme Court would be dead and their offices burnt down.
4. The Joint Chiefs of Staff would be dead, leaving the military with only the Commander In Chief to lead them. At that time, it was still LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT TRUMP.
5.Trump would have made himself KING of America. He would have the nuclear launch codes. He would have control of the military. There would be no more elections.

NONE of that happened. So there was no insurrection.
You might call that little romp in the Capitol an insurrection. That just means you're stupid and you don't know anything.
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trollslayer · 46-50, M
Another mutherfuker who needs to be mailed a dictionary,

“a violent uprising against an authority or government.“

Violent uprising? Check.
Against a government? Check.
Pherick · 41-45, M
@trollslayer I think we will run out of dictionaries before we run out of morons who need them!
Reason10 · 61-69, M
@trollslayer NOpe. THIS was a violent uprising.

Jan 6 was more of a frat party than anything else. Nobody in government was harmed. If Trump had actually called for a real insurrection to that half a million person crowd in front of him, then most members of Congress would be dead or in the hospital, same with the Supreme Court and the Joint Chiefs Of Staff. The Capitol would have been burned to the ground.
Oh,and ANTIFA led the more violent activities on that day.
@Reason10 BRILLIANT. Antifa was in on J6. It takes a special kind of stupid to believe that the people who just won the election....would dress up and act like traitors to overthrow the election they just won....so the one they DIDN'T want to win.,...would.

Only the brilliant IQ's of those that believe in Lizard People and a dead Kennedy crawling out of his grave after being dead for 20+ years so his skeleton could run as VP could come up with that jewel of wisdom.........and spread it as truth.
Reason10 · 61-69, M
@anythingoes477 Are you saying THESE animals
are part of what won Biden's illegal election?
In some ways, you're right. Supreme Court chief Justice John Roberts actually decided against the Texas case because he was quoted as saying the BLMS and ANTIFAS will riot in the street if we agree to look at this case.
@Reason10 Just a quick question..............how many of the BLM's in your hand picked picture shit in their hands and wiped it on the walls of the Capital Building? If you like I can handpick and show you a picture of a riot in Selma in the 1960's........some Vietnam War protests pics from the 1970's. The point is....which you will surely miss............you can handpick all the pics of something else you want to make whatever your point is..............but BY LAW........J6 was an insurrection because that bunch of fools attacked the Capital of the United States...to overturn an U.S, FEDERAL ELECTION.

Diversion is showing a picture of one thing that is totally unrelated to the crime that trump, his stooges and so far nearly 900 traitorous morons have already been convicted of and saying,...."yeah......well.....look at my picture here. Both are riots so both are the same thing.". NO they're not. If they are...........then lets compare direct quotes from Hitler and things that have come out of the Mien Trumpfts mouth. If the words are alike..............then lets play your game. If the words are alike....... those two wanna be dictators saying them are EXACTLY alike.

"Exterminate the vermin"......."I'll be a dictator on day one to get rid of all of those not loyal to me". "The problem is the Jews". Remember?? If you don't...the rest of us do.