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So what has James Comer found on Biden

Anything substatantial any thing worth of note.
Northwest · M
Yes, Comer found the smoking gun. Turns out Biden co-signed a car loan for Hunter, and made a few payments, when Hunter could not. Hunter paid his father back using checks, in the amount of $1,200 per month, to cover the three months Biden made payments.

That bastard is a threat to our very existence and should be impeached and immediately removed from office.
@Northwest for making a few car payments for his son? please tell me that you are being sarcastic...
Vin53 · M
@LILY61 I think your sarcasm meter needs new batteries.
@Vin53 why is that?
Ynotisay · M
Doesn't matter. Finding nothing, which is the case, is irrelevant. It's similar to the countless investigations around the country looking in to voter fraud, with the big committees being Republican led, that found no voter fraud. Certain people don't want the truth.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
You arent supposed to look at what he found. You are supposed to remember he is investigating. So you can mentally pigeonhole him as just another corrupt President. You know. Like that other one...Not that it matters. Americans are all going to hell anyway.. (some are already there.)😷
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
House Republicans need to followup on Hunter's laptop. Like, did it even exist?

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