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Seriously - this could save BILLIONS !! Send those migrants camping in our national parks . . .

Photo above - poorly photoshopped image of what a migrant campsite at Mount Rushmore might look like. Port a potties and cooking fires not shown.

Just when I thought the world couldn't get any dumber . .. this. Burned by mayoral pushback from migrants crowding into deep blue cities, the Biden administration plans to tuck them away out of sight and out of mind at . . . America's national parks!

Yes, this WILL save a bunch of money for places like NYC, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago. City officials would no longer have to spend $10,000 a month (San Francisco) to rent a rusty RV for someone to live in. Or $400 a day for a NYC hotel room. I don't have the full list of accommodations and costs, but I do know about those two. Instead (say officials) let's buy them all tents and send them on an extended camping vacation. Stop laughing . . . this is absolutely true. See link below.

Okay – I get it. There's a tough election coming up, and previously loyal blue city voters are having their patience tested. Nobody in Manhattan ever expected the place to look like a Texas border crossing. Blue city mayors are protesting “No Mas” . . . and holding up their hands in surrender.

Why does the federal government want to send all the migrants to our national parks? This is in the same zone politically as billions in student loan forgiveness, and electric car subsidies forever. Find a bunch of single-issue voters and pay them off. This isn't a new strategy - both parties do this. Republicans like low corporate taxes. Democrats like bloated federal payrolls. Republicans like huge defense contracts in red states. Democrats like walking the picket line to show solidarity with union workers. It's all about the optics. Who can get out the vote?

I can't even begin to calculate how much each vote costs when this happens. Politicians peeling off special interest voters, group by group, with expensive federal programs. But intuitively I feel this explains how America's $33 Trillion national debt happened, and why both parties have fueled its growth on a bipartisan basis.

Back to the national parks, and (semi) permanent alien campsites. Team Biden's targeted parks aren't specifically named. So let me ask presidential press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre: are the following parks on the short list, or excluded from foreign occupation?

1 - Yosemite in California, the crowning glory of America's parks, as photographed by Ansel Adams.

2 - Mount Rushmore, in South Dakota, with those iconic presidential heads carved into the mountain.

3 - Yellowstone national park, where the geyser “old faithful” is.

4 - Grand Canyon national park

5 - Mount Haleakala Park in Hawaii - it's also space telescope site.

6 - Fire Island National Seashore, the #1 gay destination for American vacationers

7 - Golden Gate Park in San Francisco

8 - Denali National Park in Alaska (formerly Mt. McKinley)

9 - Liberty Island (statue of liberty), NYC

10 - The National Mall, in Washington DC

Fast fact – I betcha Team Biden doesn't know that Alcatraz Island in San Francisco is also a national park. This is 100% true. And no tents would be needed, probably.

Okay – this entire post is unfair. Biden's youthful west wing advisors were either drunk - or high on pot - when they dreamed this up (Pot is now legal in DC). Biden's spear carriers can't even name the top 10 national parks, let alone how many visitors show up every year. (Hint – it's millions). Hey, brainiacs, if you want to lose the 2024 election for sure, just have an endless sea of tents and laundry lines visible in all our parks this summer when parents take their kids on vacation. I guarantee the sight would be unforgettable . . .

I'm just sayin' . . .

Biden's Push to Allow Illegal Aliens to Live in National Parks Using Federal Funds Results in House GOP Block (
PatKirby · M
I visited Golden Gate Park in San Francisco when I lived there as well as took the Alcatraz Island tour...

Ok so if the immigrants cleaned up the place and maintained it as well as the other national parks, I figure them staying may not be such a bad idea. They'd have to swear allegiance to this country and work hard like we all do, or else!
SusanInFlorida · 31-35, F
@PatKirby thanks for the photos. I've been to San Francisco, but didn't take the Alcatraz tour. a bunch of my co-workers did. nerd that I was, I stayed to finish the due diligence mission we were there for.
PatKirby · M

There's a good bit of walking involved, and I do recall the group guide saying something spooky about a ghost that the janitors hear sometimes.
I have read some of you post and comments, I am a slow reader but I will read all of your writings when I have time,,,looks as your very concerned about the planet going to the trash basket,,

in my teens I lived in Plant City Florida,, worked on farm lands there,
The other problem is that migrants go to those cities because there are actually jobs there. Having worked in conservation before, I can confirm that there are physically not enough funds available to employ every single migrant worker in a national park.
Slade · 56-60, M
I have an idea, let's deport them and put them up nowhere!
SusanInFlorida · 31-35, F
@Slade we've been trying that - literally for years. that mexican guy in texas who shot 8 people earlier this year (after being asked to stop his drunken target practice while babies were napping) had been deported 5 times previously.
Slade · 56-60, M
@SusanInFlorida doesn't mean give up
MethDozer · M
How much money are Republican Governors spending to blue states to create a problem? Nobody asks that..
SusanInFlorida · 31-35, F
@MethDozer i have - and received no answer. evidently "the internet" doesn't know.

I have posted previously that "it's a funny stunt' if you send a single bus full of illegal aliens to Washington DC or Times Square. But when you keep doing it for months and months, it's no longer funny.

Just ask the people in NYC, who now want all the aliens sent "back home or someplace else". they don't like it any more than residents of border towns do.

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