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Cry-Baby-trump claims he's a "warrior" despite having (fake) bone spurs that he "used" to avoid becoming a warrior. He has a warrior costume though.

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krf336 · M
If you think someone has to wear a uniform to be a warrior, you received too many participation trophies as a child.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@krf336 If you think someone who uses a doctor's note to insist he has (fake) bone spurs to avoid being a warrior while claiming to be a warrior is a warrior then you didn't participate in much of anything as a child.
krf336 · M
@MarkPaul If you think you can get out of service without being examined by a military physician, you clearly have never been a warrior.
Go rant about Bill Clinton, and almost every other politicians and rich brat who did the same thing. And John Kerry for claiming to be a hero, contrary to every eye witness of the incident.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@krf336 If you think because someone did or didn't do something that makes it okay for someone else to follow suit, then you never grew up. Sue your teachers, parents, and anyone else in you 46–50-year-old life for malpractice in guiding and raising you.
krf336 · M
@MarkPaul And your opinion is the only one that matters and everyone else is wrong.
That terrifying.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@krf336 And, your behaviour is unconscionable. That's horrifying.
SevIsPamprinYouAlways · 56-60, F
@krf336 Isn't that kinda the point? Trump wearing a warrior uniform doesn't make him tough, he's still a snowflake who plays the victim.
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
@krf336 You are completely wrong on this. Larry Braunstein, DPM who “wrote that note”, never examined Quad Indicted. There is zero evidence that QI had bone spurs. Both of Braustein’s daughters also acknowledged this. What’s more, QI has frequently falsified medical records. I have post extensively on all of his medical fraud. You might want to read those posts if you have an open mind.
krf336 · M
@BohemianBoo he may be a victim. And i have yet to see him wear anything other than a suit.
@krf336 So far, everything he's been legally accused of has been true. So he's not a victim, he's just dealing with consequences of his actions.
krf336 · M
@KunsanVeteran I have an open mind, I just dont think it changes anything. I have never heard of larry braunstein and his fraud, probably because not many people cared until now. Which is another reason i dont pay attention to sudden bouts of moral righteousness and public lynchings.

There were hundreds, if not thousands of spoiled rich kids who found a way put of the draft. And just as many who were drafted that pulled strings to never get sent overseas, or to get awards they really didnt deserve. That is a problem with the system, and it is morally dishonest to single out one person who may or may not have done the same thing, 40 years later, simply as a character assasination.
krf336 · M
@BohemianBoo Not true. Many of the things he was charged with were not actual crimes, but distorted to fit the crimes they wanted to charge him with. By that logic you can charge anyone with anything as long as you can twist it into a legal setting.
@krf336 What was he charged with that wasn't a crime?
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
@krf336 Not much on facts and evidence, are you?
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
@BohemianBoo Actually, it’s difficult to charge him with every crime we know he has committed because all of the trials are getting backed up because there’s already so much indisputable evidence already out there!
@KunsanVeteran Yeah, obvi we'll never know how many laws he actually broke. He spent most of his life as a corrupt business crook.
krf336 · M
@KunsanVeteran please provide some. Cause so far i havent seen any
krf336 · M
@KunsanVeteran Also not true, i can dispute a lot of it.