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Do you know one of these people?

Do you know one of those people where it seems like friends are always betraying them, they can't catch a break, their boss is on their case about something, they are constantly going through "bad breakups", they always have a co-worker they can't get along with, never can find the right job... At first you listen to them and feel bad that they can't catch a break. After awhile, you see their cycles and realize the one common denominator is THEM and their behavior.

You probably know where I am going with this. To me, Trump is the same way. His whole life he has had lawsuits looming over his head. Ex wives and women he is in contact with make outrageous claims. Friends and partners and lawyers are betraying him - constantly. Nothing seems to go his way. Am I to believe that he is a good man who somehow attracts mostly gold diggers and crooks and backstabbers into his circle, yet somehow most rich and famous people don't have those issues? Am I to believe he is constantly being cheated and lied to, and he is the most persecuted man of all time? Or do I look at the common denominator and see the logical conclusion? Occam's Razor applies...

I drew an analogy to Taylor Swift a while back. Seems she writes many songs about ways men mistreated her. Yet she seems to date 3-4 men per year. Perhaps it is not the men mistreating her, but the other way around? That's the logical conclusion.

I don't understand how the MAGA folks don't see this. And I don't see how the Swifties can't see that, too.
QuietChaos · 56-60, M
Thing is, Trump has never underestimated the intelligence of Republicans.
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Remember when, early in his first campaign, New Yorkers dismissed him, saying that they'd taken the measure of this...man...years before?

And yes, here is my TS joke:

Q: How do you know TS is writing a song about you, saying how you "done her wrong"?

A: You're just starting your first date with her.
trollslayer · 46-50, M
@SomeMichGuy My wife's family is from New York. They despised the man as slime decades before he ever ran for president. And his father before that...
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Exactly. Logic dictates that the common denominator eventually needs to be looked at as a potential cause.

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