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Link To Tucker Carlson's Interview With Larry Sinclair

Larry Sinclair is the guy who did coke and had sex with Barack Obama. The interview is just over 40 minutes long and Sinclair is very credible.

Some will say, "who cares?" Well, the Obama campaign cared enough that they wanted the story buried.

Per Gen. Flynn, this is just the tip of the iceberg. I have no doubt about that.

Word is that Tucker will be interviewing Malik Obama, Barack's half brother, later this month.

Carla · 61-69, F
Did you know...
Wait, are we being recorded? Well anyway...back in 2006, not long after don and melania were married, i was at a party and i snuck melania off to the guest house. We shot heroin and had wild sex for four days. Don never noticed she was missing.

Prove me wrong.
Carla · 61-69, F
@BizSuitStacy hey...when you have completed another what?, twelve years investigating all these crimes committed by the obamas, the clintons, the bidens, maybe you can indict them posthumously.
In the meantime, after two+ years, trump has ninty one felony counts against him and many co conspirators, some that are un indicted. Wonder what they had to talk about.🤔
All republicans.

As for the interview? Tucker makes me want to fast for a week.
I don't need to see it to understand.
This is the guy that seriously advocated for you to tan your balls.
Are you still tanning your balls?
@Carla let's see...
Attempts to discredit Sinclair: ✅
Who cares if he's gay: ✅
We got Trump...for the 4387 time ✅ got the trifecta. Nobody saw that coming 🤣
Slade · 56-60, M
@Carla Carl is triggered! 😭
carpediem · 61-69, M
The real story is not that he's a gay man living a lie. It's that they can censor any sort of information they want at will.
carpediem · 61-69, M
@BizSuitStacy It doesn't matter if the truth ultimately comes out. They accomplished their goal. Example: If Trump is quickly convicted in a venue where a fair trial could never actually happen, it doesn't matter. Sure it'll be overturned, but the damage it does in the meantime is what they are after.

Another example: You DO NOT need to be right. You only need to bleed your opponent dry by causing them to pay for lawyers. Right or wrong mean nothing.
@carpediem fear not, my friend. The war is not over 😉
carpediem · 61-69, M
@BizSuitStacy Actually, it hasn't even begun yet.
Slade · 56-60, M
Moochelle Ubunga is proof positive of de-evolution!
This is Barry’s ‘stormy daniels’
Wait for Obamas Jean carrol 🍿
Larry Sinclair is the guy who did coke and had sex with Barack Obama.

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