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How is this allowed uk government

So under Liz dizzy Truss we had chaos worse than boris, had her try to push through new deals for oil field licences, her party got rid of her and put in Rushi who now does exactly the same

Nothing is said or complained about and he and his wife are shareholders in some of the companies being given these licences

Surely this is either considered insider trading, conflict of interests and breaking the international deal they signed at cop22 i believe when it was held in Scotland

So why isnt this being scrutinised, the outcry from the press and why arent people doing more ot is it yet again the usual British thing oh well what can i do
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Richard65 · M
The problem is that Labour under Starmer has read the public mood and recognised that the UK electorate (predominantly England and NI) leans towards the reactionary right wing. Therefore, they've turned Labour into a centre right party and purged it of any element of left wing socialism in a desperate attempt to claw back power. If you voted for Corbyn, then this new Labour doesn't want you unless, like McCarthy and the HUAC, they demand you renounce all affiliations with Corbyn's socialist worldview. They even weaponised anti-semitism in order to get rid of him, possibly the most abhorrent tactic in modern British politics.

So the choice is to vote for hardline right wing Tories, or centre right, Tory-Lite Labour under Starmer (who's literally broken every single pledge he made to the electorate already). In other words, we're between a rock and a hard place. My vote is going to the Green Party.
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@helenS yes time for PR, an elected HoL even maybe elected HoS
@Richard65 I'm looking towards Monster Raving Loony.
Richard65 · M
@SW-User no worse than the current Tories.
WalterF · 70-79, M
The public has unknowingly resigned itself to believing that their government is seeking the best for them.

They are unable to see that they are being lied to and manipulated on every front, by government and the media.

First step to waking up: turn your TV off, for good.
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@WalterF well put and stop reading the newspapers ir seeing the scaremongering heaflines
WalterF · 70-79, M
@milkymum1 Book recommendation: new one ftom Laura Dodsworth, " Free Your Mind - the new world of manipulation and how to resist it". Good stuff
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@WalterF thank you
Many just seem not to care. Just carry on whatever - if things (however wrong or bad by certain standards) don't have any particular or immediate effect on them. Basically, there are no standards. Same in the US. A man facing prison for inciting riots against the seat of democracy, who lies every time he opens his mouth, seems likely to get the Republican nomination and will in all likelihood run Joe Biden close come election time - and will call any result apart from a win to himself yet another "steal". Alternative realities. People live in them. That is the way it is.

I've turned as much off as I can. Friends and family come first. No more Daily Newspapers, barely listen to any news.
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@SW-User that's so well put certainly here many people are just not interested, don't care, don't understand, bad education, believe the lies

we had Boris who was Lidl version of trump who lied about everything even to parliament many times who was eventually found guilty of it but him and his allies tried to intimidate the enquiry but thankfully failed

we've had 3 PMs in a year and its just getting worse
@milkymum1 I'm in the UK. Yes, Boris, called Trump Lite.
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@SW-User sorry I didn't know

I like that one Trump lite 😉
Barny52 · 56-60, M
Doing anything for a vote, its the electorate’s fault falling for their tactics like Brexit or immigration
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@SW-User some is down to greed, well educated will mostly bote tory, some is ill informed, some beleive the lies in the very biased press
Barny52 · 56-60, M
@milkymum1 tories pray on voters fears and jealousy,, like immigrants getting a free hotel . They will say anything for a vote bringing back death penalty wouldn’t be passed them.
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@Barny52 i kmow exactly and as an immigrant ive noticed how an odd few have changed towards me or my sons even though they are British born

If they actually employed more to process and then actually deported if someone is unsuccessful they wouldn't need hotels, barges or even tents

Its all going back to the self inflicted austerity
Only sixteen months to go until the country makes him legitimate, or he is booted out of office, and he goes to his home in the States.
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@SW-User lers hope so but i dont have much faith as far too many are daft enough to vote them in again
@milkymum1 That is my fear too.
The Tory press will rubbish Starmer relentlessly before the election.
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@SW-User yes exactly the tory funded party doners who own the majority of the press to scared people into believing the tory lies
Sazzio · 36-40, M
Brext, Covid it appears Tories have lost it. What really has got to me is the conflict amidst themselves... they copied from Labour!
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@Sazzio the tories certainly messed up over austerity brexit covid and some how after 13 years and counting its not there fault
nacnud · 36-40, M
Very simply I agree with you and it is all this. Can't wait for the election. Toxic tories need removing from power.

As far as the oil deal my question is how much has the fossil fuel lobby paid the tory party?
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@nacnud same here and completely wrong it isnt being allowed

Yes exactly as it wasnt long ago they said for the Scottish referendum the oil running out etc
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
It's really disappointing when you don't have serious rebuttal from the opposition against a tyrannical looney right in its third term in office.
Especially since we've been here before 🤬
Everybody had a pro or anti Brexit stance but nobody had a 'Once out of Europe then what ?' plan.
So extremes of idiot leadership have come and gone and will come again unless and until Britain picks a direction to go in post-EU.
Can't even align ourselves with the U.S. these days since if they're prepared to elect GWBush and Donald Trump there's no telling just how far right they're prepared to go.
Sunak ? Well for all his typical Tory public schoolboy image he's just a symptom of the time.
Crooked pimp in a suit worth more money than than you or I will ever know.
But you're right. People should be angry !
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@Picklebobble2 sp very true about the eu stance but not many seem to care about what matters and thats domestic policies which does affect us

We were never ever going to get an easy ride after brexit as all countries kmow that we are desperate for trade deals so they already had the stronger hand

As for America i dont like how we are trying to be mini America in all ways the soon we stop trying to be completely tied to the Americans we should be looking closer to home

I dont understand it some people go on about other countries that they stand up for themselves yet when its here its just like it doenst matter, whats the point sorrt of attitude
Entwistle · 56-60, M
It's allowed because people are stupid and more interested in reality tv shows and soap operas.
The media control what the people get wise.
The media is a system of control.
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@Entwistle sadly that is so true yet they moan when it affects them

I do hate this lack luster interest from may people

As for the media most the press are tory party doners and the BBC is the tory party mouthpiece

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