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What the the chances Trump serves more terms in prison than he did in the white house.

I'm going to say it's a certainty since he was only in office one term 🤣
Rickinnc · 51-55, M
Sounds like you and doomflower are two envious males that could never ever have th e success Donald Trump has had.
He won’t ever serve jail time. History will continue to prove him right. Ex. He stopped flights to US from China before pandemic shutdown, they called him racist. He proved that was a life saving move. Then he said all the “Russia collusion” investigations were a witch hunt, recently proven it was all a lie paid for by The Clinton that wasn’t ever present and the DNC. He said he’d destroy the caliphate that was spreading under Obama, they called him an Islamaphobe…he crushed it and stopped that terrorism
In the region. He said he’d bring back manufacturing and Obama and the Dems asked him did he have a magic wand? Obama said those jobs are gone forever. His tax relief brought back trillions of dollars and manufacturing from overseas. Need I go on? He always ends up being right…just takes ppl, including the main stream media, that are drinking true dem kool-aid a lil while to see the facts.
He ain’t going to jail. Screen shot this and re-post it the day he does, cause it won’t ever happen. And if he does then that means if you ever disagree with the govt when a Dem is in office, you can be found guilty too of disagreeing
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Rickinnc · 51-55, M
@LordShadowfire amazing how you Dems always seem to be obsessed with peoples a** and vulgar language. Get a higher IQ please
Doomflower · 41-45, M
I hope he lives to be 100 and dies penniless and alone! 😀
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Sadly, not very good. We live in a world where rich people have different rules.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@Rickinnc No, that's not remotely what happened. He pissed off most of the country by the sheer force of his personality, and at the same time proceeded to commit numerous crimes. But thanks for playing, Sparky.

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