BizSuitStacy · M
Presidents have unfettered authority to declass. VPs, on the other hand, don't.
Boxes at the University of Delaware.
Boxes in Chinatown, D.C.
Boxes at the University of Pennsylvania.
Documents strewn all over Biden's garage.
Another leftist jackoff session. Have fun.
Boxes at the University of Delaware.
Boxes in Chinatown, D.C.
Boxes at the University of Pennsylvania.
Documents strewn all over Biden's garage.
Another leftist jackoff session. Have fun.
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LegendofPeza · 61-69, M
@BizSuitStacy So what's your position then ?
Trump magically declassified anything , without anyone knowing ? Or , he had a 'standing order' to declassify everything ?
Regardless , you do realise the declassification argument is a complete red herring anyway , don't you ? As for national defence documents , it doesn't matter whether they were classified or not , it's a crime to possess them , and an even more egregious one to disseminate them.
But the real issue here is the illegal retention of presidential records , something Trump has already admitted to. How does he/you defend that ?
Trump magically declassified anything , without anyone knowing ? Or , he had a 'standing order' to declassify everything ?
Regardless , you do realise the declassification argument is a complete red herring anyway , don't you ? As for national defence documents , it doesn't matter whether they were classified or not , it's a crime to possess them , and an even more egregious one to disseminate them.
But the real issue here is the illegal retention of presidential records , something Trump has already admitted to. How does he/you defend that ?
BizSuitStacy · M
@LegendofPeza LOL. First you tell us there's a process to declassify. So I said, what's the process?
Here's the first link you provided:
Here's the 2nd link you provided:
Then in a pathetic attempt to pile on, one of your comtades sites a TV general as some sort of Constitutional expert.
And in a truly pathetic bluff, your comrade sites EO13526.
So now that you two have exposed yourselves as lying illiterates who can't provide a shred of evidence of what the declass process is (because there isn't one) you write:
Since last August, the MSM has been jumping up and down crying, "there's a process to declassify." Yet no one knows what it is. 🙄
Here's the first link you provided:
Does ⬆️ article provide an explanation? No.Here's the 2nd link you provided:
Does ⬆️ article provide an explanation? No.Then in a pathetic attempt to pile on, one of your comtades sites a TV general as some sort of Constitutional expert.
John Kelly, Gen (Ret), USMC knows a whole lot more about handling classified documents than you do.
Does ⬆️ provide an explanation? No.And in a truly pathetic bluff, your comrade sites EO13526.
Does ⬆️ EO provide an explanation? No.So now that you two have exposed yourselves as lying illiterates who can't provide a shred of evidence of what the declass process is (because there isn't one) you write:
the declassification argument is a complete red herring
If it's such a red herring, why did you and your comrade add links to two bogus articles, site a military general on constitutional law 🤣, and then add a link to an EO that you haven't read?Since last August, the MSM has been jumping up and down crying, "there's a process to declassify." Yet no one knows what it is. 🙄
LegendofPeza · 61-69, M
@BizSuitStacy If there wasn't a process then how come Trump followed one to declassify the Russia documents , as per my original reply ?
Of course I don't know what it is because I'm not an intelligence official in the US Govt. , but clearly one exists.
Edit : Here's an explainer for you that I found describing the classification and declassification process , and how it applies to the Mar-a-Lago case ;
"As with classification, declassification is a two-step process. First, an authorized official must determine that the information no longer requires protection. Second, that determination must be communicated so that the protections are removed. Accordingly, when a decision has been made to declassify information, it must be marked as declassified. If the declassification affects an entire category of information, the agency’s classification guide must be updated accordingly. If it is narrower, the decision may be captured in a declassification guide — although often, the consultation process that accompanies a declassification decision is sufficient to alert the necessary personnel."
Maybe that's good enough to finally convince you , although somehow I doubt it. Ergo , if you still want to persist with this conceit , then are you really suggesting , like your hero , that everything is magically declassified by his mind , but no-one else knows about it ? Do you seriously expect that his lawyers (if he can find some new ones that is) are going to be putting forward that assertion as a defence in the courtroom ? These preposterous explanations are not dissimilar to the ones he was making about the election being stolen from him. They are politically inspired to rouse his base (yourself being an exemplar) into creating a swell of public opinion. Once they reach the courtroom they are exposed for the fantasies that they are.
And since I've already told you the whole declassification thing is simply a distraction , how about the rest of it ?
Trump had documents that weren't his. He refused to return them even after a subpoena. Then he engaged in a criminal conspiracy to obstruct justice.
Care to offer a defence for those actions ?
Of course I don't know what it is because I'm not an intelligence official in the US Govt. , but clearly one exists.
Edit : Here's an explainer for you that I found describing the classification and declassification process , and how it applies to the Mar-a-Lago case ;
"As with classification, declassification is a two-step process. First, an authorized official must determine that the information no longer requires protection. Second, that determination must be communicated so that the protections are removed. Accordingly, when a decision has been made to declassify information, it must be marked as declassified. If the declassification affects an entire category of information, the agency’s classification guide must be updated accordingly. If it is narrower, the decision may be captured in a declassification guide — although often, the consultation process that accompanies a declassification decision is sufficient to alert the necessary personnel."
Maybe that's good enough to finally convince you , although somehow I doubt it. Ergo , if you still want to persist with this conceit , then are you really suggesting , like your hero , that everything is magically declassified by his mind , but no-one else knows about it ? Do you seriously expect that his lawyers (if he can find some new ones that is) are going to be putting forward that assertion as a defence in the courtroom ? These preposterous explanations are not dissimilar to the ones he was making about the election being stolen from him. They are politically inspired to rouse his base (yourself being an exemplar) into creating a swell of public opinion. Once they reach the courtroom they are exposed for the fantasies that they are.
And since I've already told you the whole declassification thing is simply a distraction , how about the rest of it ?
Trump had documents that weren't his. He refused to return them even after a subpoena. Then he engaged in a criminal conspiracy to obstruct justice.
Care to offer a defence for those actions ?
deadgerbil · 26-30, M
The orange man lol
Guess who made mishandling classified documents a felony with a penalty of 5 years?
smiler2012 · 61-69
{@rodionromanovitch] 🤔now was an orange man by any chance lol
Graylight · 51-55, F
Instead of a prison number, that should be his ID.
I suppose it's No-one?
LegendofPeza · 61-69, M
@EarthlingWise ha ha ..... very good. :)
pdockal · 56-60, M
A hypocrite