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Abortion is right or wrong

Abortion: Is either right or it's wrong. It is's death. If you say are " pro choice " and one of the choices is abortion then you are pro abortion.

I have no rules to.respond. If I only.wanted those who agree with my stance to respond, I would talk to life friends and I would never learn think it is important to understand why people believe what they do. Life experiences that helped shape their beliefs. I personally think it's petty playground bullying to use " religious zealot " or " indoctrination " terms as an attack but if thats your flag, then fly it.

I.believe in God, heaven and hell, good and evil but I don't consider myself religious. I haven't been to church in 7 yrs. I went to a catholic grade and high school. I was NEVER taught who was or wasn't going to hell. I was actually taught the opposite. It is okay to say that someone might be or is in heaven, but NEVER say that someone might be or is in hell. Unless you.are with them when they draw their last breath and know their heart and soul you have no right to pass judgement. If you do then you have just made your reservation. This being said, I am NOT judging the one who has had or believes in abortion. I AM judging the violent act of deliberately and intentionally stopping a human life in any stage of development. Everyone has a RIGHT and a RESPONSIBILITY to support policies that support their moral and ethical beliefs.

I do wish that pro abortion would just say that they believe that a woman has a right to abortion for any reason at any stage instead of " it's not a human being " or " it's not a person " or any other excuse

I have three beautiful good friends who have had abortions. All before I met them. Before this I never knew anyone or their stories. I DO have compassion for the reasons they chose abortion. Two regret their decisions and theirs.seemed more tragic than the one who has no regret. I will ALWAYS love these women.

As long as there is help for EVERY unwanted and unplanned pregnancy and there is, t I will ALWAYS support making and keeping abortions illegal.

I have some questions. #1 Are only those who believe in God and are pro life " religious zealots " and" indoctrinated " ? What about those who are pro abortion and believe i God ? What about pro life Atheist ? They aren't " religious zealots ", are they indoctrinated ? What about those who believe in God and heaven and hell but don't believe in organized religions ? It seems to me that " religious zealot " and " indoctrination " are being used to fit ones narrative. Believing that one day that we will all answer for what we have done or didn't do is NOT preaching fire and brimstone.. Most pro abortion who believe in God believe this. They believe the answers will be seen differently
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Kypro · 51-55, M
It’s not as simple as some think. If a woman can’t get abortion, it can lead to her or the baby’s death. How is that pro life? Do you want anyone deciding for you when you can live or die?
missyann · 56-60
@Kypro Give me an example
Kypro · 51-55, M
@missyann there are abnormal pregnancies which cause injury and bleeding and death in some cases if nothing is done. Many pregnancies terminate themselves but not always and some threaten the mother as well.
Kypro · 51-55, M
missyann · 56-60
@Kypro You can read pro abortion and pro life testimonials and get the answers that you or I " want " to see.

The stories of the women in Tx are incomplete. I cannot believe that there wasn't one OB/Gyn surgeon in the whole state or surrounding states who would not preform a C section or an carefully monitored induction if these mothers lives were truly in a life or death situation. It is my guess that these women " wanted " abortions. l There are many OB/GYN's in the country who's mission in life is not abortions and haven't used bogus diagnosis to justify " life saving " abortions who do not hesitate to treat mothers in life or death situations. This is why they went to an abortionist

A deformity is NOT life saving. Even in those who are stillbirth or who are not expected to live following birth deserve to be born and treated with respect. There is natal palliative care who treat the baby's pain and keep it comfortable. The families can hold and kiss the baby. Even if the family doesn't want to see the baby it is comforted by palliative nurses.

Every pro life answers and responses to abortion can be found on yahoo youtube Pro life replies live action pro life replies. Those who hate religion replies, God is not mentioned.

There is no way for anyone to know the answer but I wonder if Justice Harry Blackmun left the decision for Roe v Wade open for interpretation intentionally when he said " if the suggestion of ( fetal ) personhood is established, the appellant's case, of course collapses, for the fetus right to life would then be guaranteed specifically by the 14th amendment because he KNEW that a fetus was a person and was just to cowardly to speak up it then.

There has NEVER been one time when a baby has had to be " intentionally and deliberately " killed to save a mothers life in the US. NEVER
Kypro · 51-55, M
@missyann it’s a policy choice. If fetus is a person they get all rights. I don’t think you can say something had never happened though
Kypro · 51-55, M
@missyann no one dares treat when it’s illegal
missyann · 56-60
@Kypro if it is truly life-saving, it is not illegal. Example ectopic pregnancies
missyann · 56-60
@Kypro The intention of an abortion is always to kill the baby. when life-saving treatments or procedures need to be done to save the mothers life. Every effort can, and should be used to save both the mother and the baby.
Kypro · 51-55, M
@missyann some states ban any abortion no exception.
missyann · 56-60
@Kypro what state? There are life-saving scenarios that are not debatable.
missyann · 56-60
Abortions yes, illegal but life-saving treatment. Even when the baby dies is legal, you just can’t intentionally kill a baby.
Kypro · 51-55, M
@missyann In Louisiana, for example, a pregnant woman went to the hospital after experiencing sharp pain and bleeding. She was informed her fetus had likely stopped growing a few weeks prior, as its size did not correspond to the length of her pregnancy, and that it had very faint cardiac activity. Despite the pain and the blood loss she was experiencing, she could not receive the regimen of mifepristone and misoprostol commonly prescribed to pregnant patients who are miscarrying to ensure that the pregnancy is safely expelled from the body completely in a timely manner, thereby decreasing the risk of sepsis and infection. Instead, she had to wait for the miscarriage to progress without medical intervention, which would have expedited the process and reduced her medical risk. In states where the abortion bans do not clarify that miscarriage care is not criminalized – even when there is still detectable cardiac activity – pregnant people may not be able to receive care to manage their pregnancy loss unless and until it becomes a medical emergency.
missyann · 56-60
@Kypro How far along were she in her pregnancy ? It is safer for a woman to deliver even a still birth then it is to have a chemical or a medical abortion, or even a C-section.
Kypro · 51-55, M
@missyann you seem to have the answers I guess you’re a dr?
missyann · 56-60
@Kypro no I am not a doctor, but I talk to doctors and professionals who do handle these type of cases
missyann · 56-60
@Kypro Can you give me a case where it was necessary to intentionally kill a baby in the womb to save a mother’s life. There are many cases where a specific treatment or procedure had to be done to save the mothers life which have resulted in the baby dying.. but the intention alone was not to kill the baby to save the mothers life
missyann · 56-60
@Kypro we do not allow any other living human being to be killed just because they stop developing. Why should it be allowed to kill a living human being in the womb for the same reason ?
Kypro · 51-55, M
@missyann see above
missyann · 56-60
@Kypro ? What am I looking for?
missyann · 56-60
@Kypro if you are talking about the chemical abortion, I don’t know the full story and unless you know this woman personally I have to assume that you don’t either. And, like I said before we can read testimonials from both sides, of the aisle but they only tell us either the pro abortion stance or the pro-life stance. We don’t know the whole story.
missyann · 56-60
From how you described it, this woman was suffering from an abruption, and she should have been induced in a hospital setting to deliver the baby but you don’t intentionally kill the baby because it stop developing
missyann · 56-60
@Kypro I don’t know everything and I don’t claim to. This is why I asked the question. To understand what we were talking about.
missyann · 56-60
@Kypro A mother’s life ALWAYS comes first. Not one baby has had to be intentionally and deliberately killed to save a mother’s life

With ectopic pregnancy. The baby will never develop to birth. The intention is to save the mother’s life, not to kill the baby

When the baby is in danger an early induction or a c section should be done

99.5%of abortions are for convenience and lifestyle