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Abortion is right or wrong

Abortion: Is either right or it's wrong. It is's death. If you say are " pro choice " and one of the choices is abortion then you are pro abortion.

I have no rules to.respond. If I only.wanted those who agree with my stance to respond, I would talk to life friends and I would never learn think it is important to understand why people believe what they do. Life experiences that helped shape their beliefs. I personally think it's petty playground bullying to use " religious zealot " or " indoctrination " terms as an attack but if thats your flag, then fly it.

I.believe in God, heaven and hell, good and evil but I don't consider myself religious. I haven't been to church in 7 yrs. I went to a catholic grade and high school. I was NEVER taught who was or wasn't going to hell. I was actually taught the opposite. It is okay to say that someone might be or is in heaven, but NEVER say that someone might be or is in hell. Unless you.are with them when they draw their last breath and know their heart and soul you have no right to pass judgement. If you do then you have just made your reservation. This being said, I am NOT judging the one who has had or believes in abortion. I AM judging the violent act of deliberately and intentionally stopping a human life in any stage of development. Everyone has a RIGHT and a RESPONSIBILITY to support policies that support their moral and ethical beliefs.

I do wish that pro abortion would just say that they believe that a woman has a right to abortion for any reason at any stage instead of " it's not a human being " or " it's not a person " or any other excuse

I have three beautiful good friends who have had abortions. All before I met them. Before this I never knew anyone or their stories. I DO have compassion for the reasons they chose abortion. Two regret their decisions and theirs.seemed more tragic than the one who has no regret. I will ALWAYS love these women.

As long as there is help for EVERY unwanted and unplanned pregnancy and there is, t I will ALWAYS support making and keeping abortions illegal.

I have some questions. #1 Are only those who believe in God and are pro life " religious zealots " and" indoctrinated " ? What about those who are pro abortion and believe i God ? What about pro life Atheist ? They aren't " religious zealots ", are they indoctrinated ? What about those who believe in God and heaven and hell but don't believe in organized religions ? It seems to me that " religious zealot " and " indoctrination " are being used to fit ones narrative. Believing that one day that we will all answer for what we have done or didn't do is NOT preaching fire and brimstone.. Most pro abortion who believe in God believe this. They believe the answers will be seen differently
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whowasthatmaskedman70-79, M
The only people who should EVER get a vote on this are women.. And if the subject ever comes up it is going to be a fraught decision and should be the choice of the woman involved who doesnt need to be preached at by anyone. Her beliefs and needs are all that matters and the only time anyone else should have a say is if they are prepared to sign on the dotted line to accept the child themselves and pay for it. 馃樂
specman51-55, M
@whowasthatmaskedman it pertains to everyone it is murder of an unwanted child. They could just put the baby up for adoption.
You say it's up to the woman well it took sperm to create life. If the man has no say then why is a child is considered his when child support is mentioned. I think the man has equal say about a life he helped to create.
whowasthatmaskedman70-79, M
@specman Then if the man signs up to take the child and raise it. all very well..
And at least until there is a fetal heartbeat the protoplasm is medically speaking a parasitic growth. Not a person. Besides. As a male, you dont get a vote. This is something you couldnt possibly understand and I am prepared to step back and say neither can I. So I will back away and support the right of those involved to choose without my involvement beyond defending their right.馃樂
specman51-55, M
@whowasthatmaskedman yes i get a vote. 6weeks is when the baby is considered alive.
whowasthatmaskedman70-79, M
@specman Nope. You are just wrong at every level. There are just too many factors to even explain it to you.. And unless the sperm was yours you have no place in the discussion..馃樂
specman51-55, M
@whowasthatmaskedman if the vote is on abortion then I do have a right. It鈥檚 you that is wrong on so many levels. So you are saying it鈥檚 okay to kill her child? Should women be exempt from murder. There are some circumstances that an abortion is necessary I do say that. It should bother a woman to kill her own offspring.. you are very wrong in this case. There is a option to just give the baby up for adoption.
whowasthatmaskedman70-79, M
@specman I am saying it is NOT a child, and it is her decision how she deals with her situation. Which she sure as hell knows better that you and I assume you arent prepared to accept responsibility for. Its her responsibility. Its her decision. Adoption is an interesting option. In a world were termination was easily available alongside established adoption procedures with support for the mother through pregnancy and recovery you may well get more babies born for adoption. But until both options are a free choice out in the open, we will never know...馃樂
specman51-55, M
@whowasthatmaskedman It is still wrong and I will alway's be against it. As I am against all murders. I hope that every mother that has had an abortion that was not a medical emergency does live with the guilt of murder, because that's exactly what happened. It's a very selfish act.
whowasthatmaskedman70-79, M
@specman OK. We are close to common ground. It is a deeply traumatic decision and will weigh on the womans mind, possibly forever. Equally, the consequenses of an unwanted child she cannot provide for and cannot give the start in life any child deserves are also traumatic in a different way. Either way, that trauma, that shame, that guilt and those consequences belong to the woman involved to decide. It would be lovely if that decision could be better informed and better supported on either side. And its still no ones decision but hers, unless someone else is prepared to pick up the tab..馃樂