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Another day another poll

Poll - Total Votes: 11
Measures it prevent covid (masks, shutdowns, social distancing, vaxes)
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In your life (circle of family friends and acquaintances) more people died or were injured by
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revenant · F
I got a blood clot in the brain last year. I had to take AstraZeneca. I do not know if the 2 are related though.
revenant · F
@BizSuitStacy Thank you. I was told it might happen again or it might not...I might get a stroke or I might not..
@revenant Yikes. I'll keep you in my prayers.
revenant · F
@BizSuitStacy This is very kind of you. Thank you
Really not sure how to quantify/qualify the effects of the measure taken. A couple of friends had small businesses that went under. I don't know to what extent child development was stunted from going to remote learning. Who knows what effects extensive mask wearing will have, but I've had respiratory issues since.

The jab is a little easier to understand. The bigger problem I have is the narrative that the vaccine is not responsible for the adverse events showing up suddenly.
RuyLopez · 56-60, M
None of the above, thank God.
trollslayer · 46-50, M
I’ve had 2 Covid deaths in my circle. The other category is broad, because I have seen damaged relationships, my kids may have some emotional effects, etc.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@trollslayer The insanity of the matter has to do with the FACT that if your vax worked you don't have to worry about getting the disease you are vaxed against. If you are still worried about getting the illness then you do not believe you are vaxed. So if you are not vaxed even though you are fully jabbed why do you insist someone else get jabbed with the same useless junk you were jabbed with?
trollslayer · 46-50, M
@hippyjoe1955 Agreed. I've been vaxxed, and after that I felt comfortable visiting immunocompromised people in my circle so long as those people were okay with it. To my knowledge, I have not had Covid and if I have the symptoms were no more than a headache and congestion. After the second shot, I have no issues going places unmasked unless a mask was required by that establishment. My logic is exactly as you describe. If I don't believe the vax helped me enough to not wear a mask or required me to stay at home, why did I get the vax? I'm currently dealing with this now - they want us to work from home this week because of 3 positive covid tests after a holiday party (that I was not at). Most people still work from home most days anyway because they are allowed and don't want to commute. I am pretty comfortable that I can go to work, hang out in my own cube like I normally do, not go out to lunch with coworkers, and not get Covid. That's why I got the vax.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@trollslayer I have never isolated or masked. I had covid. It was a very mlld cold. I had a few nights of good sleep and never missed a day's work. I have never had a problem being with others vaxed or unvaxed. It never enters my mind to even ask. I was talking to two great grandparents yesterday who were very sad that their daughter refused to come visit because the elderly couple were unvaxed. The daughter was vaxed and the couple had no trouble with her coming to visit. Strange behavior for some who is also a health professional.
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
None of the above!!
nedkelly · 61-69, M
scrood · 31-35
Everyone who took the vax will be dead within 5 years
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@scrood I don't think that the vax is that deadly but it definitely is too deadly for human consumption.
scrood · 31-35
@hippyjoe1955 Have you seen the documentary Died Suddenly? That is the TIPPITY TIP of the iceberg of the issues with these "vaccines" which PERMANENTLY alter your DNA so that you're no longer fully human

hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@scrood Yes I have seen the video. It is a bit of a wake up call but not something to base your science on.

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