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Why are democrats not allowing voting machines to be examined?

Because they are too fragile or because they are hiding evidence of fraud? Millions of Americans are not stupid, they know what is going on.


What Are They Hiding? Democrats Argue Voting Machines Too Fragile to Inspect – If Investigators Touch Them They WIll Need to Be Replaced – Demand Rudy Giuliani Be Punished for Requesting Access to Dominion Machines
By Jim Hoft
Published February 9, 2022 at 6:54pm

Joe Biden got 81 million votes.
It really happened.
Democrats and their media lackeys are so certain of this that they will not allow anyone to inspect the voting machines.

** In Arizona Democrat Secretary of State Katie Hobbs argued that Maricopa County would be forced to replace their Dominion voting machines if they were inspected by investigators. The machines were so delicate that they can never be audited. That’s weird?
Also in Arizona election workers were caught on video deleting “archived” files before the machines were turned over to investigators.

** In Pennsylvania the state Supreme Court of liberal activists stepped in at the last minute and delayed an inspection of the Fulton County, Pennsylvania voting machines. The audit is still delayed by the state Supreme Court. Democrats are ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED that a reputable audit team may inspect the county’s Dominion voting machines.

** And in Michigan the radical Attorney General hid the audit of the Dominion machines in Antrim County where 6,000 votes were mysteriously flipped from Trump to Joe Biden.

Democrats want you to know inspecting Dominion Voting Machines IS NOT ALLOWED!
But Joe Biden got 81 million votes.

And now the fake news mainstream media is running with a ridiculous story that Rudy Giuliani asked to inspect an Antrim County Dominion voting machines after they spit out fake results following the election. Democrat and their media lackeys insist this is likely criminal activity. How dare Rudy Giuliani or any Republican request an audit on such a fragile, sophisticated machine.

Are Americans going to fall for this?
Isn’t it clear what the Democrats are doing?
Why are they so afraid of audits?

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Your claim is an opinion piece lacking factual evidentiary support

Democrats ARE allowing voting machines to be examined. They are all examined, tested and certified.
New York: https://www.elections.ny.gov/HAVAVotingMachines.html
California: https://www.sos.ca.gov/administration/regulations/current-regulations/elections/voting-system-certification-regulations
New Jersey: https://www.state.nj.us/state/elections/resources-voting-equipment.shtml
Colorado; https://www.sos.state.co.us/pubs/elections/Resources/files/ElectionFactSheet-ProtectionOfVotingSystems.pdf

How many more states would you like me to list???
marke · 70-79, M
Democrats ARE allowing voting machines to be examined. They are all examined, tested and certified.
New York: https://www.elections.ny.gov/HAVAVotingMachines.html
California: https://www.sos.ca.gov/administration/regulations/current-regulations/elections/voting-system-certification-regulations
New Jersey: https://www.state.nj.us/state/elections/resources-voting-equipment.shtml
Colorado; https://www.sos.state.co.us/pubs/elections/Resources/files/ElectionFactSheet-ProtectionOfVotingSystems.pdf

Your posted claims do not match court records.

PA Supreme Court Blocks Inspection of Voting Machines in Fulton County (wdiy.org)

PA Supreme Court Blocks Inspection of Voting Machines in Fulton County
By Sam Dunklau | WITF
Published January 18, 2022 at 7:15 AM EST

@marke Depends on inspection by whom under what circumstances, doesn't it??? Sorry, but not every Tom, Dick, and Harry can walk in off the street and "inspect" any voting machine they like.

Each state has inspection protocols and those are being followed. The machines ARE being inspected by independent inspectors. My statement is TRUE.
marke · 70-79, M
Each state has inspection protocols and those are being followed. The machines ARE being inspected by independent inspectors. My statement is TRUE.

The policy being followed in each state where democrats totally control the voting machines is that no American investigator will be allowed to examine the party's voting machines without specific permission from the party leadership. Democrats control the voting process in the US with Soros voting machines just like Soros controlled the corrupted election in Venezuela with Soros voting machines.
@marke FALSE. State certified inspectors are allowed. Why didn't the "inspectors" turned away by the Penn SC bother to get state certification?

And do you think the policy is different in red states?

Do you honestly believe I could walk into a voting center in Dallas, say "I want to inspect your machines" and they'd let me insert my "inspection" USB drive and do what I whatever I want?

Of COURSE you need qualified certified inspectors!! Of COURSE you won't let any Tom, Dick, and Harry insert a thumb drive in your voting machines!!!
marke · 70-79, M
FALSE. State certified inspectors are allowed. Why didn't the "inspectors" turned away by the Penn SC bother to get state certification?

And do you think the policy is different in red states?

Everybody knows voting machines are vulnerable to error, whether deliberate or intentional. Democrats prove they are hiding something by blocking investigative access to voting machines by unbiased American investigators. That practice is clearly wrong and should be outlawed. Americans have the right to know whether crooks are corrupting voting machines or not.

Trump-Appointed Judge Denies Appeal to Give Sidney Powell, Lin Wood Voting Machine Access (newsweek.com)

Trump-Appointed Judge Denies Appeal to Give Sidney Powell, Lin Wood Voting Machine Access
Attorneys Sidney Powell and Lin Wood, who had filed lawsuits in the state of Georgia alleging fraud in the 2020 presidential election, had an appeal to analyze Dominion voting machines in the state denied by a federal judge on Friday.

Democrats blocked access to republican investigations and then mocked republicans for failing to uncover voter fraud through investigations.
Everybody knows
Bandwagon fallacy!! A new one for you!!!
That's another opinion piece lacking factual evidentiary support!!

But don't worry, I've got the facts.

The state of Georgia hand counted EVERY ballot. Every hand counter was supervised by representatives from both parties.

In all, there were 126 counties within 10 votes of their original vote tally, according to the audit data. Of those counties, 54 counties matched their initial results exactly. No county had an error rate higher than 0.73% compared to their original results.

Let's not forget the Georgia signature audit https://www.ajc.com/politics/no-fraud-georgia-audit-confirms-authenticity-of-absentee-ballots/QF2PTOGHLNDLNDJEWBU56WEQHM/
Don't forget the Georgia Independent machine audit https://www.wrcbtv.com/story/42925055/no-sign-of-foul-play-found-in-audit-of-georgias-voting-machines
marke · 70-79, M
Everybody knows
Bandwagon fallacy!! A new one for you!!!
That's another opinion piece lacking factual evidentiary support!!

You are right. Everybody does not know but everybody interested in electronic voting machine vulnerabilities should know.


The fact remains that voting machines can be corrupted in ways that cannot be detected, especially if the crooks who corrupted the machines successfully prevent honest investigators from examining them.

While Halderman says he has tested various methods of hacking that he says are generally undetectable, Gilbert wrote, “I am not aware that Dr. Halderman has provided equipment marred by ‘un-detectable’ hacks to any other independent researcher to test his theory that it is, in fact, un-detectable and not correctable.”

Halderman countered in a declaration filed with the court that the declaration from Gilbert doesn't dispute the existence of the vulnerabilities he detailed or the steps that could be taken to alter individual votes and election outcomes. Nothing in Gilbert's declaration indicates that state officials understand how serious the problems are or have taken any steps to address them, Halderman wrote.

He argued that state election officials “urgently need to engage with the findings in my report and address the vulnerabilities it describes before attackers exploit them.”
@marke Oh goodness!! Have you confused paperless electronic voting machines with ballot counting machines???

I've noticed many right-wingers making that mistake recently.

Paperless electronic voting machines have been mostly phased out in the US. Ballot counting machines are quite different - easy to check with a sample stack of ballots.

But right-wingers love to cite old articles critiquing paperless electronic voting machines as if they were identical to ballot counting machines. You seem to have fallen into that trap. Go ahead, see if you can find articles about the errors of ballot counting machines.
marke · 70-79, M
The state of Georgia hand counted EVERY ballot. Every hand counter was supervised by representatives from both parties.

I suspect there are dozens, if not hundreds, of democrats who participated in the fraud and who are now propagating the line that the ballots were counted and recounted multiple times. The voting fraud crooks know that recounting invalid ballots will never verify the legitimacy of invalid ballots, but they hope Americans are too stupid to see the major flaw and deception in their narrative.

Plaintiff says up to 20,000 'probably false ballots' cast in Georgia's Fulton County | Washington Examiner

Plaintiff says up to 20,000 'probably false ballots' cast in Georgia's Fulton County
by Daniel Chaitin, Deputy News Editor |

| June 08, 2021 07:04 PM
| Updated Jun 09, 2021, 11:08 AM

The lead plaintiff in a case in which a judge approved an inspection of copies of mail-in ballots cast in the 2020 election in Georgia's Fulton County said there could be more fraudulent votes than the margin by which President Joe Biden won.

Garland Favorito, co-founder of the group VoterGA, told RealClearInvestigations he is fairly certain at least 10,000 absentee ballots, if not double that number, were problematic.
“We have what is almost surely major absentee-ballot fraud in Fulton County involving 10,000 to 20,000 probably false ballots,” he said.
@marke And this pointless lawsuit went nowhere, right?

You ignored my posts about Georgia signature audits, Georgia hand counts, etc, right??
marke · 70-79, M
You ignored my posts about Georgia signature audits, Georgia hand counts, etc, right??

Signature verification was a problem in GA but so were missing voting logs and ballot images, meaning tens of thousands of ballots cannot now be verified as legitimate. There is no excuse for missing images and logs required by law for ballot legitimacy verification purposes.
@marke An opinion piece lacking factual evidentiary support