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Pentagon Confirms US Troops Are In Ukraine

Regardless of what the gov't is telling us about this escalation as a non-combat role, the Biden administration is putting the US military in harms way.

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Driver2 · M Best Comment
Sounds like the beginning of the Vietnam war. How much do we have to give ?
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Driver2 It would be a start if Americans stopped electing chicken hawks like LIndsey Graham etc.
robb65 · 56-60, M
@Driver2 I'm not sure how true this but I've seen claims that Putin and Zelensky were on the verge of some sort of cease fire arrangement and then the US and the UK decided to dump boat loads of weapons into the situation. Now we're sending in troupes to protect those weapons?
Driver2 · M
@robb65 I don’t know but many involvements were induced
Gulf of Tonkin is only one

Thats bc Joe needs a deflection from how horrible his policies are.

Dems love war. Funny when they screamed Trump would take us to war, and yet....
@TallMtnMedic Dems are masters of projection. The deep state in DC is beholden to the military industrial complex.
@TallMtnMedic When a President sends U.S. military personnel into a nation involved in a conflict it is an issue, and not one to be taken lightly by those who have ones serving in the U.S.military or any American citizen.
Politically it’s hard to see this as a prudent or well thought out policy.
Does the administration know how Putin will react?
@TallMtnMedic When you’re paying higher gas prices, your cost of food is rising, the inflation on going is somewhat tempered by the fed until you see your credit cards interest rates getting hit, people losing employment because this administration in its lack of wisdom over Covid is responsible as well as it is for so many businesses being lost , never to return, not knowing if a criminal will impact your life because of those states in lockstep with the administration’s failed policies on law and crime, unless you’re a
“Terrorist” parent who stands up for their children and the education they’re getting, should be seen as what truly matters to the people.
Carissimi · F
I’ll say it again, there has been a coup, and the Communists are in charge of America. They are doing everything they can to whittle away our resources and our culture. The worst is yet to come regardless of who wins the mid-terms. Most Republicans are Globalist shills.
@Carissimi I share your concerns and the risks you've highlighted are very real. The US is war weary. And from what I'm reading, it's Ukraine that isn't open to peace talks. We'll know over the next several months where this is heading.
@Carissimi I think you’re over imagining this regarding an invasion on America’s mainland. ( At least in the immediate future) Yes, much has occurred in our military not necessarily for the strengthening of it
that many of us active duty or retired or veterans see .
I have always believed that a true Seven Days in May Scenario is a real possibility. And given that our military may be almost mortally wounded by what is going on with some cultural ideologies, and other stupidity imposed on the military by this capitulating administration and that we might be open to a physical attack on us , there are those in uniform who will not let that be or happen. If it means a military coup, so be it.
Carissimi · F
Just wait. @soar2newhighs
Budwick · 70-79, M
Son of a,... The lunatic Biden simply can not speak honestly.
@Budwick the puppet does what his handlers tell him.
@Budwick He cant speak a complete sentence and gets lost on a stage. Do you expect much more than him not shitting his pants successfully on his own?
melbeacher · 61-69, M
There is a small contingent of troops there to guard the Embassy (Marines) as usual and some military to monitor and track the more complex and expensive weapon systems we are providing.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@melbeacher At the moment Ukraine can't even keep the lights on in Kiev.
@hippyjoe1955 If Starlink goes down, Ukraine is finished.
xbandoleerx · 56-60, M
@melbeacher I beg to differ with you. When a couple of millions have migrated to the west that means as a nation they have no will to fight. Moreover, as a student of military history my conclusions is that Russia is planning to do with “those who are landing in ukraine for helping” the same treatment which it gave to the Germans in the WW.
Do you think Russia has taken this adventure without taking into stock its enemy’s potential?Don’t expect them to be dumb.
nudistsueaz · 61-69, F
Well yeah, as long as he doesn't have to go. He will just say it isn't true.
This has potential for possible “unintended” serious military consequences and raises the possibility of direct U.S. / Russian military conflict in my opinion.
This administration can’t be trusted. And perhaps that “ gaffe” allegedly when Biden spoke to
U. S. Troops in Poland about returning from Ukraine wasn’t a gaffe but something Joe knew and let inadvertently slip out.
@soar2newhighs Normally, I do the same. But...in typical lib form, he started making this about Trump.
@BizSuitStacy It’s about this administration. The ball. If you will, since Biden took office is and has been in their court.
Trump at times can be and is an annoying pain in the ass, but he’s not in the Oval Office. The TDS sufferers hang onto this as a crutch.
If this Ukraine issue leads to conflict, that’s not on Trump. It is on Biden and his cabal, plain and simple.
@soar2newhighs 100% on Biden
Two questions that should be shouted by all concerned: How long will they be there? And do you have an exit strategy should this go south?
@soar2newhighs great questions that I'm sure the media has been told not to ask.
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
@soar2newhighs probably about the same as benghazi...
fairgame123 · 61-69, C
Save the earth. Start a nuclear war and now we have a diesel fuel shortage coming our way, but it will save the earth as we all starve. Biden has no fucking clue what he is doing.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
According to an article in the WAPO the Biden administration is now encouraging Ukraine to negotiate for peace with Russia. I guess the rest of NATO is telling Biden that they will sit this one out. Other than a nuclear confrontation there is nothing to be gained by continuing the conflict.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@BizSuitStacy Yeah fraudulent elections have consequences. Biden was never elected. He was installed. He never won the primary let alone the presidential election.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@MarineBob I hear the Starlink is not working as advertised lately so there is that.
@hippyjoe1955 NATO country leaders except Biden, might not have the relationship with Ukraine that Biden does have and has had and don’t want to have any involvement unless they are attacked. Not too likely.
MarineBob · 56-60, M
He has already forgotten them
@MarineBob No doubt.
AngelofFail · 26-30, F
dont need ground troops.. but send airforce and shoot everything that looks remotely russian out of the sky.
@AngelofFail De-escalate? Ukrainians were slaughtering their own citizens to the east. Get a clue and quit watching CNN.
AngelofFail · 26-30, F
@BizSuitStacy that absolutely nonsense
@AngelofFail Everything you've said is complete nonsense. You have your "facts" wrong. You don't know the difference between a treaty and an agreement. You've completely ignore the history of NATO's advancement eastward and how that represents a threat to Russia. You are ignoring the will of the people in eastern Ukraine and Crimea. I suspect you know nothing of Victoria Nuland or the regime change she helped engineer in 2014. And how that helped promote the Nazi Azov battalion and other Nazi militias to slaughter pro Russian citizens to the east. Or maybe you missed the part where Nuland denied that the US had biolabs in Ukraine. Then admitted the US had some biolabs in Ukraine, but didn't have dangerous pathogens. Then said "holy shit...the Russians have these pathogens and could make bioweapons.

But hey...Ukraine is kicking Russia's ass right? Why do they need any help?
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
You’re shocked at yet another Bidet lie?
@BizSuitStacy Put Putin in a tough spot this and the administration better have a magic, crystal ball to know his possible reactions to this.
We should not forget as per media reports, the Russians have targeted these weapons and the locations they’re at and have gone after them.
@soar2newhighs Great point. As you mentioned, this will put US military in harm's way.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
I hear you. @BizSuitStacy
ididntknow · 51-55, M
Get ready for the boxes coming off aircraft and Biden looking at his watch
@ididntknow But no mean tweets, right?
ididntknow · 51-55, M
@TallMtnMedic That is not a mean tweet, that is actually fact, Your friend Biden is the mean one, so will you be surprised when the dead bodies start coming back to America, or don’t American soldiers die in wars, your friend Biden wants the war, so get upset when you see it on tv, and don’t get upset with mean tweets, as you say !
@ididntknow Hes not actually my friend. I was adding sarcasm on your statement for a certain group of his compliant followers.
Read it again.
FloorGenAdm · 51-55, M
@FloorGenAdm I've seen this before. Radiation penetrates buildings. The only real hope for survival is to be far enough away.
MarineBob · 56-60, M
This is why that WNBA player is doing hard time in a Russian labor camp.
nudistsueaz · 61-69, F
@MarineBob I thought she broke the law, by bringing drugs into Russia?
ididntknow · 51-55, M
Don’t the democrats just love wars, I wonder if they’d love it so much if their children were on the front line, The military industrial complex is the problem here, Biden, Blinken, Nuland, Clinton, Obama, Pelosi, to name a few, very evil people !
@ididntknow It's amazing how people can't see it. Remember the weapons of mass destruction? The narrative was Bush lied and people died. Except that Bush took the decision to go after Sadam to Congress. Prominent democrats voted to go in along with republicans.
ididntknow · 51-55, M
@BizSuitStacy The uni party
If those personnel are still in Ukraine and a Russian strike kills any number of them, what does the Administration tell the loved one of those KIA? A very real possibility if those personnel are still in Ukraine.
Will we see a repeat of this obscenity?
@soar2newhighs He needs it so his fans wont notice how horrible is administration is doing.

Funny thing, dems screamed Trump woukd cause a war, meanwhille....
@TallMtnMedic if his “ fans” can’t see what he and his cabal have done, that’s their mistake, unless they’re multi millionaires living in mansions in Massachusetts’s or Delaware.
Penny · 46-50, F
idk. relations with Russia havent exactly been great so if Russia won and took over wouldnt that be bad for the US? so maybe they are being put in harms way by being sent over to the Ukraine but isnt war what the military is about, to help protect us? it may not be our direct defense but it does seem like it'd be in our best interests with the whole food supply from the Ukraine thing
@Penny How do we protect the US by engaging in war with the Russians in Ukraine? What interests does the US have in Ukraine?
Penny · 46-50, F
@BizSuitStacy i heard the ukraine is a major supplier of grains
@Penny Ukraine accounts for 16% of the global grain export. Not even in the top 10 of countries producing grain. The US is no. 2 behind Chins. Besides, the Russians have avoided Ukraine's grain belt. So...what else would it be?

Hint: under secretary of state Victoria Nuland helped engineer the Ukrainian regime change in 2014.
Confined · 56-60, M
Putin promised nuclear war if we put boots on the ground. So it begins.
@BizSuitStacy No, they want to control humanity, albeit given some of the actors involved depopulation of the planet is a goal. Ask Bill Gates.
If there were to be a nuclear exchange over Ukraine or say Taiwan, any globalist aspirations will literally be irradiated and will die literally and figuratively.
Confined · 56-60, M
@soar2newhighs There wont be any one left for them to control. They will all starve in their underground bunkers.
@Confined Missiles move pretty quickly and God forbid, a Russian pre emptive strike…they’re fucked! Won’t make it to the toilet much less their bunkers.
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@SW-User Pushing the Russians out by having the US military engage them in combat? Is that the bush you're beating around?
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
@SW-User so when are you enlisting? 🤔
MarineBob · 56-60, M
That is how the dems negotiate a prisoner exchange
Tres13 · 51-55, M
Wake up & take note America
Zonuss · 41-45, M
They were there the entire time.
This isn't a surprise.🙂
@pianoplayingsteve That looks as convincing as the Ghost of Kyiv.
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@MarmeeMarch that's the gov't line. For now.
nudistsueaz · 61-69, F
@MarmeeMarch think we heard the same thing about Vietnam, didn't we?
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@melbeacher "you just described Trump !!!!"

You spelled Pedo Creepy Joe wrong. Your senility is kicking in, no wonder you're a fan. Do you get lost easily too?

@TallMtnMedic Excellent response, but I've blocked Melbeacher.
@BizSuitStacy He's weak. Blocking him makes him feel like he won, instead let him show just how dimb he is so we all can make fun of him.

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