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When "the base" claims they want a "civil war" do they know what is involved in a civil war or is their impression based on cartoons and memes?

The American Civil War was one of history's great nightmares. Anyone who would want to revisit that kind of brother on brother slaughter is either crazy or completely naive to what its all about.

If you visit a battlefield like Gettysburg you can still feel/sense the suffering and death that happened there. It permanently lives in the air.

These modern day revolutionaries are so caught up in their little world of guns and camo and military and militia they can't see the end result of what they wish for.
@ninalanyon says
Does anyone actually say that they want a civil war? Who?
These guys do:

And there are more:
August 19, 2022

On Aug. 11, an armed man was killed in a standoff with police outside an FBI field office in Cincinnati. On Monday, a Pennsylvania man was charged with threatening federal law enforcement. In recent days, synagogue services were canceled in Palm Beach Gardens, Fla., following threats against a federal judge who sat on its board, and barricades were erected outside of FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C.

Each of these incidents is tied to heated threats online — including calls for violence and even civil war — from supporters of former President Donald Trump after the FBI searched his private residence, Mar-a-Lago, on Aug. 8. While the rhetoric is nothing new on the fringe-right internet, some portions of which have been preparing, or outright agitating, for civil war for years, some mainstream conservative outlets, like Fox News, have echoed the idea that conservative Americans are under attack. In this election year, some candidates are leveraging outrage over the event, too.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@ElwoodBlues Great. The New Civil War's 1st casualties, identifiable by their idiotic target signs.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Does anyone actually say that they want a civil war? Who?
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@LeopoldBloom I imagine that they (whoever 'they' are) don't really have much idea what a civil war is. Especially in the US people seem to think that the War Between the States 1861-1865 was a typical civil war. Any future civil war is unlikely to be much like that. The mood in the US seems more likely to result in something like the English Civil War 1642-1651 in which one could trust no one even if they had been your neighbour your whole life because the split is not along geographical but along social and political lines.

Of course what is probably most likely is just an increase in incidents of insurrection which will be put down by the government of the day regardless of which party is in the ascendant in government.

I do hope that none of this comes to pass and that people do not become inured to the idea that violent civil unrest is inevitable. I have friends in the US, I would like to believe that they will be safe.
@ninalanyon It will be more like Syria, but on steroids. The U.S. Civil War wasn't really a "civil war," it was a sectional war, more like the American Revolution. Your description of a real civil war is more accurate.

If you're interested in this stuff, Robert Evans, the podcaster who does "Behind the Bastards," did a series called "It Could Happen Here." It's now another regular podcast, but the first season goes into detail on what a real civil war in the U.S. might look like.

Sort it with the oldest first starting in March 2019.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@LeopoldBloom I think I'll give it a miss. The news from now is depressing enough, news from that possible future sounds altogether too depressing.

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