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Northwest · M
So, you're complaining, because, on a public forum, you CHOOSE to engage in conversations with what you call cesspools. Generally speaking, anyone who does not want to interact with a cesspool, has at least enough brain to avoid it.
Graylight · 51-55, F
Yes, but in the great American tradition, we’d rather toss out the entire thing and look for solutions and refinement. We end up mocking and hating the other side rather than looking for common ground, and of course, there are those who put themselves above the fray and exercise the same Judgment and criticism.
LeopoldBloom · M
You should look at the Trump sub if you want to see a conservative circle jerk. But most subs are focused on one viewpoint.
cyberdude28 · 31-35, M
@LeopoldBloom can't disagree with that either
Cierzo · M
It is exactly the way you say. Reddit is the worst, it is definitely a place to avoid.
bijouxbroussard · F
Which “liberal” views are a problem for you, anti-racism, or anti-misogyny ?
classique · 31-35, M
@bijouxbroussard How about that particular attitude that you're putting on full display? Assuming anyone who identifies as non-liberal is a fascist, racist, misogynist pig who needs to be silenced? The left is losing and will continue to lose many moderate and center-leaning supporters over these irrational, thoughtless ideas.
bijouxbroussard · F
@classique I asked the OP a question, based on previous conversations. I wasn’t speaking to you, so your presumptions about my attitudes are probably based upon the prejudices right wingers commonly display. You’ve just shown me who you are without us even having to have a civil exchange of ideas. Go figure. 🤨
So why do you even visit SUBreddits that are likely named to indicate they are SUBreddits you probably won't like?
You speak as though Reddit is one big monolith, when it nothing more than a large collection of little communities around specific topics (ie, SUBreddits), so to cast it all generically as "liberal" is nonsensical ... there is even a SUBreddit for Trump
You speak as though Reddit is one big monolith, when it nothing more than a large collection of little communities around specific topics (ie, SUBreddits), so to cast it all generically as "liberal" is nonsensical ... there is even a SUBreddit for Trump
There’s a lot more diversity of thought than we like to admit
Which is a shame
Which is a shame
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cyberdude28 · 31-35, M
@SW-User kinda scary and nauseating.
@cyberdude28 we just have to remember step away from social media sites like Reddit and we can often have reasonable, nuanced conversations about complex issues without tearing each other’s faces off. But I do wish things weren’t so reactive online.
cyberdude28 · 31-35, M
@SW-User true true...have to remember to take a break and breathe
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