She is the personification of everything that has gone wrong in this country over the past decade and looks like the warmed-over corpse this country has become
I figured Pelosi was dead weight when she tore up her copy of the state of the union address. If we were still on the track that Trump was working on, we wouldn't have 8+% inflation and double the number of illegals crossing the border. I am surprised she got booed in NYC. It must be far worse for democrats than I thought, and I already thought it was going to be pretty bad.
You forgot to add, Because she is an evil witch who cares nothing for the people or this country. She is actually worse than Hillary Clinton, another evil witch. Their only interest is in money, power and prestige.
@Graylight Newsweek, CNN, FoxNews, Washington Post all thought it was newsworthy. I take it you didn't vote in the poll,? Just here to criticize the question as usual?