The first is evil.
The second is stupid.
But when criminals are stupid they’re more likely to get caught, so that’s a good thing. How in the world does the existence of trans children affect the way this person lives her life ?
The second is stupid.
But when criminals are stupid they’re more likely to get caught, so that’s a good thing. How in the world does the existence of trans children affect the way this person lives her life ?
Vin53 · M
Imho, I think its because they see people not like them in varying degrees of revulsion.
twiigss · M
So there's a few things I'd like to piece together. First, there was a lawsuit by Fox against rachel maddow. For something she said on TV. Basically her lawyer said "everyone watching the show knows it's just hyperbole" "what she says isn't to be taken as a fact"
But that's the problem, people watching the show do take what she says as fact. Second, rachel maddow sued tucker carlson for something he said on TV, his lawyers basically said the same thing "everyone watching tucker on Fox, knows that what he says is hyperbole, it's not fact"
Third, in the article I just read I saw this "Fox News firebrand Tucker Carlson took the opportunity to tell his 3 million nightly viewers that the sort of care Boston Children’s provides is tantamount to the “sexual mutilation of children.”
Problem: People DO take what is said on TV, as 100% absolute fact and god's honest truth.
Other problem: When you have a TV show begin, and it has the word NEWS anywhere written or spoken at the intro, 'some' people are going to believe what that person is saying.
And that's the way it is unfortunately. These 'for entertainment' TV shows need to have one huge disclaimer right at the start of the show.
It's literally one man sharing his opinion, and all these opinion shows I believe are helping to cause problems.
But that's the problem, people watching the show do take what she says as fact. Second, rachel maddow sued tucker carlson for something he said on TV, his lawyers basically said the same thing "everyone watching tucker on Fox, knows that what he says is hyperbole, it's not fact"
Third, in the article I just read I saw this "Fox News firebrand Tucker Carlson took the opportunity to tell his 3 million nightly viewers that the sort of care Boston Children’s provides is tantamount to the “sexual mutilation of children.”
Problem: People DO take what is said on TV, as 100% absolute fact and god's honest truth.
Other problem: When you have a TV show begin, and it has the word NEWS anywhere written or spoken at the intro, 'some' people are going to believe what that person is saying.
And that's the way it is unfortunately. These 'for entertainment' TV shows need to have one huge disclaimer right at the start of the show.
It's literally one man sharing his opinion, and all these opinion shows I believe are helping to cause problems.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@twiigss CNN, unfortunately, unwittingly changed the whole game decades ago. Taking the 30 minute nightly newscast and stretching it into 24/7 coverage has been disastrous for American people. First, it causes a general level anxiety unknown before. Look around; we've got people screaming about legislature that will never even touch them, panicking about things that haven't even happened.
That's bad enough, but we've taken a package of human interest, sports, weather and world news and distilled it down to one main story and that story only until the Next Big Thing shows up. And there's already a clear distinction within the industry between news and regular entertainment. Problem is, the terms are used behind the scenes. Hannity, Tucker, Larry King, Alex Jones...they all fall under Infotainment, a bastardized child of news and fiction. This is how you see all the spin and personal opining. It's categorized and scheduled as such, reported to the FCC as such, but the people watching are never the wiser.
And it has spread through journalism. Every day there's another videotaped example of a reporter pushing what he thinks is a noble Agenda of the People while confronting others. Reporting and journalism is an objective reporting of verified facts. Not soap-boxing, not speculation, not conjecture, not "some have said". No panels of 7 experts are needed to discuss the 20 second newsbyte presented. TV news has become theater and they've only done so because the people consume it.
Best thing you can do is turn off the TV. Turn off social media or at least check it only once a day. The TV used to tell us about the world as it was; now we're making up a world and presenting as real.
That's bad enough, but we've taken a package of human interest, sports, weather and world news and distilled it down to one main story and that story only until the Next Big Thing shows up. And there's already a clear distinction within the industry between news and regular entertainment. Problem is, the terms are used behind the scenes. Hannity, Tucker, Larry King, Alex Jones...they all fall under Infotainment, a bastardized child of news and fiction. This is how you see all the spin and personal opining. It's categorized and scheduled as such, reported to the FCC as such, but the people watching are never the wiser.
And it has spread through journalism. Every day there's another videotaped example of a reporter pushing what he thinks is a noble Agenda of the People while confronting others. Reporting and journalism is an objective reporting of verified facts. Not soap-boxing, not speculation, not conjecture, not "some have said". No panels of 7 experts are needed to discuss the 20 second newsbyte presented. TV news has become theater and they've only done so because the people consume it.
Best thing you can do is turn off the TV. Turn off social media or at least check it only once a day. The TV used to tell us about the world as it was; now we're making up a world and presenting as real.
twiigss · M
@Graylight yeah I typically don't watch Fox or CNN or MSNBC, I don't watch any of that stuff. I do look at news articles and like, my main Google feed on my phone, or Yahoo, or something like that but, I don't get into these articles or get all wound up.
Basically I just read the headline, if it interests me I'll read the article, and I just take what I read with a little grain of salt, and go on about my day.
Basically I just read the headline, if it interests me I'll read the article, and I just take what I read with a little grain of salt, and go on about my day.
justanothername · 51-55, M
You can guarantee that the person who makes a bomb threat wont be the sharpest tool in the shed.
It’s usually a result of having a disliking of education and a devoted following of far right ideologies.
It’s usually a result of having a disliking of education and a devoted following of far right ideologies.
lets jazz up your story a bit.. it was a good find. you need more hits..
Woman Was Behind Bomb Threat to Kids Hospital.. sometimes shorter title is better
[media=]Mass. woman arrested in bomb hoax targeting Boston Children's Hospital
Children’s has been under near-constant attack by right-wingers in recent weeks over debunked claims about its transgender youth services.
short video for those who have a lack of attention span . and a few words for them to think on... then let it rip .. hope ya dont mind me butting in.. it was a good find .mark
Woman Was Behind Bomb Threat to Kids Hospital.. sometimes shorter title is better
[media=]Mass. woman arrested in bomb hoax targeting Boston Children's Hospital
Children’s has been under near-constant attack by right-wingers in recent weeks over debunked claims about its transgender youth services.
short video for those who have a lack of attention span . and a few words for them to think on... then let it rip .. hope ya dont mind me butting in.. it was a good find .mark
llloydfred · 56-60, M
@markansas Channel 5 Boston is Chet Curtis still there, How about Natalie Jacobson. Childrens look Fancy Now, wow
tindrummer · M
Graylight · 51-55, F
If there's anything going for the good guys, it's that this crop of extremists and their cult leaders are truly, astonishingly stupid in their critical decisions.
SomeMichGuy · M
@markansas Yes.
SomeMichGuy · M
Stupidity. Strong it is in that one!
"All Things TG"? Is that some boutique?
"All Things TG"? Is that some boutique?
She should be executed. I'm done with these terrorists.
BohemianBabe · M
Thank goodness the Right is so stupid.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
I've always maintained that bigotry and stupidity go hand in hand.
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@ElwoodBlues was there something about npr and those who listen to it are more informed than those who listen to fox news..
ElwoodBlues · M
@markansas Here's my copypasta on that!!
Actually, according to several studies, the NPR audience is the best informed, and the Fox News audience is the least informed.
2011: Fox News Viewers Uninformed, NPR Listeners Not, Poll Suggests
2012: Survey: NPR’s listeners best-informed, Fox viewers worst-informed
2014: 5 facts about Fox News
2015 Fox News viewers tend to be less informed, says new study
Actually, according to several studies, the NPR audience is the best informed, and the Fox News audience is the least informed.
2011: Fox News Viewers Uninformed, NPR Listeners Not, Poll Suggests
2012: Survey: NPR’s listeners best-informed, Fox viewers worst-informed
2014: 5 facts about Fox News
2015 Fox News viewers tend to be less informed, says new study
@ElwoodBlues i did remember that right.. sometimes its all in my head.. mark
edited and looking at that list we go to the same websites it seems.
edited and looking at that list we go to the same websites it seems.