Debates - they arent what they used to be
Seems like many candidates want to skip out on debates this election season.
On one hand, I am saddened. I remember watching debates 20+ years ago and found them a good forum for getting a read on a candidate.
On the other hand, I completely agree on skipping them in the present. They are useless to me. It's people screaming, talking over each other, lying, and making crass remarks. I learn nothing. It's like watching the Jerry Springer show. No intelligent talk whatsoever. And afterwards it is more political garbage and complaining.
I doubt there are many "undecideds" out there anymore. They still might be useful for local races where candidates and offices are relatively unknown. But governor, senator, president - useless.
On one hand, I am saddened. I remember watching debates 20+ years ago and found them a good forum for getting a read on a candidate.
On the other hand, I completely agree on skipping them in the present. They are useless to me. It's people screaming, talking over each other, lying, and making crass remarks. I learn nothing. It's like watching the Jerry Springer show. No intelligent talk whatsoever. And afterwards it is more political garbage and complaining.
I doubt there are many "undecideds" out there anymore. They still might be useful for local races where candidates and offices are relatively unknown. But governor, senator, president - useless.