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Americans want more jobs, right?

Is there anything false, there?
Carla · 61-69, F
Many americans don't know what they want.
Jobs are everywhere, businesses suffering for lack of people to fill those jobs.
Many americans want inexpensive products. Getting people to fill new positions at a living wage would inflate prices. And those working people wouldn't be able to afford the products they themselves make.
Ask someone what kind of jobs they want. How much should those jobs pay.
And if you don't fill an underpaid job, who will.
Carla · 61-69, F
@chrisCA i see that here too.
Some eateries have actually had to close this summer. This is a tourist area, these businesses are reliant on that influx of people.
A college town too. It used to be that college kids would flock to these summer jobs.
It will be interesting to see what evolves/devoles over the next twenty years.
chrisCA · M
@Carla Only locals can work in the tourism business, because out of town students cannot find affordable housing for the season.
justanothername · 51-55, M
@chrisCA They haven’t ceased to exist yet.
Bad4U · 22-25, F
a job is something that can sustain a small family when you do it 40h a week... yeah we need more of those...
Applepiedom · 56-60, M
No,a great deal of Americans want free money and no work
@Applepiedom Like corporations... Free money and bail out when they fail.
chrisCA · M
@Applepiedom Who would not want that? 😅
Applepiedom · 56-60, M
@chrisCA lol I agree but the money comes from somewhere.
justanothername · 51-55, M
There’s a lot of job vacancies out there, the problem is that many of the people not in work have an over inflated view of what sort of work they are prepared to do.
Service jobs need to be done but no one wants to do them.
Hi tech job vacancies are out there but there’s not enough people with the right skills to do them.
There’s a massive shortage of teachers, nurses, doctors, trade staff but not enough people willing to fill those vacancies.
Many of those jobs require long hours but no one wants to work long hours.
Abstraction · 61-69, M
Every job that is offered should pay sufficient for someone to live. If not, you are stealing people's lives.
ron122 · 41-45, M
Americans want more jobs. Leftists want more government handouts.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
We want more people like Steve Jobs . Lol

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