Most adults aren’t capable of answering hypothetical questions, but young children are.
I just asked a hypothetical question about Trump vs a Nuclear war. So it was multiple choice with only two options. How can anyone screw up a multiple choice question with only two options? Trust me, many people aren’t smart enough to pull that off.
I’m going to give you an interesting example of a question that was asked on a site similar to this one.
A dude joined the site, asked a simple hypothetical question with only two options. After reading the answers, he deleted his account.
His question: “If somehow, magically, you could fly, would you rather have wings or telekinetic abilities?” (Superman managed to fly without wings).
These were the answers:
*That’s impossible
*Humans can’t fly
*Post the link
*My uncle has a plane
*I prefer trains
*It’s impossible
*You’re just making this up
I was the ONLY one on the thread that could answer the question: “How exactly do you open a bottle of beer with wings? I’ll take the telekinetic powers.”