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UPDATE - Feds ARREST Gavin McGinnes During Live Broadcast Over Jan. 6 — Despite the Fact HE DID NOT GO to DC on Jan. 6

Popular talk show host and former Proud Boy leader Gavin McInnes staged an alleged raid on his studio and arrest.

After numerous media outlets published reports of McInnes’ arrest, his close friends and associates reached out to him. Three different Gateway Pundit reporters contacted Gavin after video was posted of the incident.

McInnes later informed his friends that the whole spectacle depicting his arrest for January 6 involvement was an elaborate hoax.

Sorry, I was mis-informed - this is my retraction - the original post follows below.

Political commentator and former Proud Boys leader Gavin McInnes was reportedly arrested during a live broadcast of his show on Censored TV on Thursday.

“We are shooting a show. Can we do this another time,” McInnes told law enforcement officials as his show was live streaming.

McInnes walked off-screen responding to the arresting officers or agents who cannot be heard, “Yeah. Alright, I’m happy to do that but, uh, I’ll get a lawyer and we will sit down and have a conversation and schedule a meeting and we’ll sit down with my lawyer. “

“I didn’t let you in,” he shot back.

Indistinct chatter is then heard and McInness disappeared.

The Gateway Pundit has reached out to Gavin but he has not yet responded.

Josh Denny, a comedian who works on Censored TV who works alongside McInnes confirmed McInnes was arrested for alleged involvement in January 6.

“It was not a bit,” Denny tweeted on Friday. “Gavin was AGAINST going to Jan 6. He was AGAINST Charlottesville (and told Proud Boys they were out of the crib if they went) but he’s rotting away in jail because he dared to question authority.”

Law enforcement has not made an announcement or disclosed details of McIiness’ arrest.
Freedom of speech not a thing with libs.

They call repubs facist, and yet this is very facist, is it not?
Budwick · 70-79, M
How do you know Trump and McInnes are innocent?

In America, people are presumed innocent until proven guilty.
That may sound peculiar to a Marxist like yourself.
Theyitis · 36-40, M
@Budwick So it’s never okay to arrest someone because they haven’t been found guilty yet? Does that apply just to the FBI or to all law enforcement?
Budwick · 70-79, M
@Theyitis They haven't even named a crime as yet so, yeah, it's premature.
I suppose you are used to that.
TexChik · F
The FBI seems to be going after all those who oppose biden
Budwick · 70-79, M
@TexChik I wonder if any other government has ever done stuff like that in the past.
TexChik · F
@Budwick Russia, China, Cuba, Vietnam...🤷‍♀️
Carissimi · F
They are coming for conservatives. This government has gone rogue.
Carissimi · F
I didn’t mention the Proud Boys. I believe Gavin McInnes is a conservative. I could be wrong, but I know he’s not on the Left, and holds conservative values. @Theyitis
Budwick · 70-79, M
@Theyitis I don't claim them as anything but American citizens.
you should want to distance yourself from them.

Why, do they scare you?
Carissimi · F
That’s a lie. They are not far right nut jobs. I have no tolerance for liars. @Theyitis
Was he actually arrested? I heard he was and wasn’t.
Budwick · 70-79, M
@soar2newhighs I don't know. The article says he was 'reportedly arrested'.
He was certainly harassed!
@Budwick A conservative a, Trump supporter of note, be harrassed by the administration? Say it isn’t so or better said and I quote Capt. Renault, …”I’m shocked!”
Tres13 · 51-55, M
The Banana Republic of America
If ur with them You are against them
Good, fuck that guy,
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@SW-User Yeah, can't have folks running around telling the emperor he has no clothes

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