Budwick · 70-79, M
Why won't the Dims admit to voting for this clown?
Oh, come on, out of 81 million, no one will admit that they stabbed the country in the back?
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ItsSteve · 46-50, M
I voted for Biden. I don't regret it. He's done some stuff I don't agree with, of course, but I think he's been generally successful and I'm happy with most of the stuff he did. He passed the CHIPS act, which will help domestic chip manufacture and make sure we aren't dependent on foreign imports. The Inflation Reduction Act will start to get carbon emissions under control, and will provide cheaper insulin to medicare patients. He got that infrastructure bill passed, which is already helping to maintain and upgrade roads, railroads, electricity, water, and internet. He and congress got the burn pits bill passed, helping veterans who were disabled by their own government.
And foreignwise, he's part of the NATO effort to supply Ukraine to protect them from Russian takeover. In general, I think he's doing a pretty good job.
And foreignwise, he's part of the NATO effort to supply Ukraine to protect them from Russian takeover. In general, I think he's doing a pretty good job.
stratosranger · M
Maybe they didn’t? 😉
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M

TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
@SomeMichGuy .
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TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
ron122 · 41-45, M
Because they are just as stupid as Biden. Most are lazy and want to sit home all-day posting crap on SW and waiting on their government check.
dale74 · M
It is kinda like dropping a turd and it will not flush. Or voting for the best and brightest only to realize everyone is really stupid. It is like proving a teenager wrong by letting them do it and being smacked in the face with I told you so.
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