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TrumpIsFinallyGone · 41-45, M
Are you aware that a Republican presidential candidate has only one the majority vote of the people one time since 1988? George W. did it over John Kerry in 2004. Seriously one time in seven election cycles has a Repub won it 😂
Seems appropriate to leave this here, because it underscores your comment:
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You can't make people in a cult see what is literally right in front of them for years
Cults are strong enough to convince parents to murder their children before killing themselves (Jonestown) ... imagine what a cult can convince members to do to non-members
Look at how malleable Christianity suddenly becomes to evangelicals, overnight, to accommodate things like sedition, and taking someone who clearly violates numerous commandments yet hailing them as a messiah. Old Christianity is out the window (again, overnight), replaced with new Trumpkin Christianity.
Up is down inside a cult
Cults are strong enough to convince parents to murder their children before killing themselves (Jonestown) ... imagine what a cult can convince members to do to non-members
Look at how malleable Christianity suddenly becomes to evangelicals, overnight, to accommodate things like sedition, and taking someone who clearly violates numerous commandments yet hailing them as a messiah. Old Christianity is out the window (again, overnight), replaced with new Trumpkin Christianity.
Up is down inside a cult
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