Democracy, draining the swamp and forced birth?
How do these things relate?
Check out this story about Drs, and patients complaining about how a patient had to undergo an experience no one probably wanted her to endure.
I know this is fodder for the pro-life/pro choice fight, but at the same time, knowing all too well how badly things go when legislators, under the guise of doing the will of their constituents, pass laws that make things worse rather than better.
I know it would be costly and empower unelected educated professionals and bureaucrats, but I think physicians need to be consulted in drafting legislation when they have the expertise and when it's their business being affected.
Check out this story about Drs, and patients complaining about how a patient had to undergo an experience no one probably wanted her to endure.
I know this is fodder for the pro-life/pro choice fight, but at the same time, knowing all too well how badly things go when legislators, under the guise of doing the will of their constituents, pass laws that make things worse rather than better.
I know it would be costly and empower unelected educated professionals and bureaucrats, but I think physicians need to be consulted in drafting legislation when they have the expertise and when it's their business being affected.