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I don't understand the Repub talking point that the left doesn't want Trump to run in '24.

When it's actually the complete opposite. Pleeeeeeeease let him run again - I'll even contribute to the campaign to get him started!! And lift his Twitter ban too we miss those 2nd grader level type tweets.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
Be careful what you wish for. I remember a lot of talking heads like Trevor Noah and Steven Colbert saying the same thing in 2015.
Vin53 · M
by doing you even have a clue what you're talking about? No. The answer is an adamant no.

Prison1203 · 61-69, M
@Vin53 I forgot more about politics and policy than you will ever know, apparently you have no clue that the buck stops at the president, and Biden is in enough hot water with his ties to the Chinese and his sons business dealings, maybe you should worry about what the potato in office is doing instead of Trump, rent free all day long every day in every demwits head
Prison1203 · 61-69, M
[image/video deleted]
pdockal · 56-60, M
He'll win especially if the country is still this dysfunctional
Baremine · 70-79, C
@Vin53 that is bullshit. The USA is about to get in a major recession if not a depression because of the idiot in the white house and his controllers.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
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Graylight · 51-55, F
Because they actually buy the lie that Trump is the 2nd coming of the Messiah. Hell, they're using the My Pillow Guy as John the Baptist. I figure it's a few months until we see some of them screaming at the open sky.
beckyromero · 36-40, F
Wiseacre · F
Seriously...u're misguided!
pdockal · 56-60, M
@Vin53 what the fuck does that have to do with this post ????
Vin53 · M
Because it actually makes more sense than the gibberish you're spouting.

pdockal · 56-60, M
@Vin53 lol lol lol lol
When you have nothing productive to add you change the subject to something not even remotely related to the post
I'm dealing with idiots
Tres13 · 51-55, M
Keep up with the play son
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Wiseacre · F
@Vin53 would be the same old...blah blah...
Vin53 · M
Say what's on your mind, its why we're here. 👍 💪


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