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Orange Man Wheeled Out to Distract You

Bit early for panto season but here we are......whilst the current system is being demolished (controlled) these tall tails will be coming thick and fast. Keeps many trapped in the faux left/right paradigm at each others throats (wonderment at so many ppl defending blue or red, biden or trump) whilst they smash the very foundations most are standing on......saying that, here i am manifesting this theatre
Graylight · 51-55, F
First, why not leave the governing to citizens of that Nation?

I think you'll find the Democrats don't mind tails as long as they're furry and brightly covered.

If Trump and the former administration had done nothing wrong, there'd be no deflection to run to. But this is real, this is karma and it's going to keep happening.

Also, it's a little early in the morning to be trolling, don't you think?
Graylight · 51-55, F
@gol979 one, and let's be clear here, you sound like an abject and angry idiot.

There are more than two choices. People with critical thinking capacity. Our last leader is an authoritarian, racist, uneducated, narcissistic, pathologically unstable puppet who committed some of the worst crimes imaginable under the umbrella of democracy.

You have no position from which to speak, as you clearly can't see the view from where you are.
gol979 · 41-45, M
@Graylight yet again proving the point
Graylight · 51-55, F
@gol979 I'm truly sorry you can't see the world in general rolling its eyes at you.
InHeaven · F
One more round of blue and red war is about to start, “divide and let them kill each other” , have not failed so far
InHeaven · F
@gol979 ....if we don’t PRAY. Only God can break the hypnosis set by the devil. People are too weak, talking people — even weaker.
gol979 · 41-45, M
@InHeaven feel like thats creating inertia. We need action, not await a hero. Theres a "hero" in every one of us
InHeaven · F
@gol979 ya... keep trying being a hero...till you get tired of running in circles and come BACK to what I said earlier... all roads EVENTUALLY lead to that, the problem is , we realize it when it’s too late, only after. How far being “hero” got us so far? Look at the world around... wanna keep on running in the same godless direction into more ruin? 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️Okay
InHeaven · F
Yup, another distraction
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
Spot on dude.
Orange man = bad man
gol979 · 41-45, M
@SW-User yeah, he is. Most who say that will lord the other personality, ie biden. Imagine putting these 2 cretins on a pedestal

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