Carla Yeah, sure... but it's also stuff we do in our daily life. Mostly on an unconcious level, because it was taught by vieuwing how other people in your life get things done from other people. Some people are more trained in it then others. But human beings have a tendency to manipulate. Language always has that manipulative side to it.
Don't forget that one of those things George Orwell warns his readers for in 1948, is the destruction of grammar. The totalitarian regime in that book, controls people by cutting words and oversimplifying language. The more grammar a person has, the more tools they have to construct nuance and better reasoning. If you destroy language, and things become oversimplified, so will the reasoning become more and more simplistic.
An example that you find on this website a lot, are people talking about "killing babies" when it comes to abortion. As if the moment the egg internalises the sperm, you have a baby. By using the word "baby" you create an emotional responds from people thinking about the small humans that are in that phase of their human development. But the word "impregnated egg" and "fetus" ... they are all cut out. These people just removed that part out of their reasoning, and now all people that want other people to have the freedom to have an abortion are murderes because they are killing "babies". Over simplification, is just a political tool to control those people that are easily manipulated because they don't cherish their grammar.