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My Politics

I'm finding it increasingly difficult to define and categorize my political views due to the nature of the political landscape we are living in. The main problem for me is how so many issues contradict one another. It's impossible to reconcile some issues and that means it is hard to label your politics and align yourself with one party. I have some notion of what I am politically, but it is undermined by other values and beliefs that people with the same or similar politics have. And so, that makes me question whether being politically interested in any way is worthwhile. Last night I was watching a video, and I found myself being in complete agreement with the speaker...until he mentioned Roe v Wade and abortion.

Examples of my politics:

Abortion - Con.

I am very much against abortion. It will never be stopped or reduced in the U.K or other Western European countries though.

Death Penalty - Con.

The death penalty is not an issue in the U.K, but it's still pertinent to mention.

Welfare - Pro.

Vulnerable people who can't work should receive some assistance from the state. Poor families with children should also receive some assistance from the state.

Overseas Aid - Con.

I recognize the value in international aid, but I think that most Western countries are spending far too much on it.

Defence and Security - Pro/Con.

I don't think more money should be spent on defence than say, healthcare, but it does warrant some spending and investment. I probably would limit defence spending though.

Family Life and Childcare - Pro.

I think there should be more emphasis on family life, and that childcare should be made more affordable. Maybe the government could incentivize family members to provide childcare?

Immigration and Asylum - Pro/Con.

I don't want to be a hypocrite here but I really think it needs to be subject to greater checks and in the context of economic migration, reduced.

Housing - Pro.

Maybe we should take greater care of the environment by not building lots of houses in the countryside or in rural areas, but it is difficult. If we are going to build more houses in this country, they should be affordable (most of them aren't). There are a lot of unused properties that could be used for housing as well. I think the government is obligated to provide housing to those who can't afford it. They should make private housing more affordable as well.

Tax - Pro/Con.

I think the tax system should be rearranged, and that the working-class and middle-class are paying too much tax in the U.K.

Education - Pro/Con.

I think too much is spent on the wrong areas in education. And this would apply to all Western countries at present.

Local government - Pro.

Local governments should be given more power.

Policing - Pro/Con.

Policing is essential, but there are problems with it in this country. Same as education.

Healthcare - Pro.

I am for universal healthcare and see healthcare is being a vital service to all people, but it is seriously lacking in the U.K. They need to make some major changes to their system and the way it is organized and delivered.

University Fees - Pro.

You should pay for your degree yourself.

Freedom of Religion - Pro.

I shouldn't have to explain that one.

Globalization- Pro/Con.

Globalization is a complex issue. It has benefits and detriments so I find it hard to decide what side I am on with respect to that.

Environment - Pro/Con.

I'm undecided because this is also a complex issue that conflicts with others.

Gun Ownership - Pro.

I am for gun ownership subject to background checks. Like the death penalty, this is less of an issue here and in other European countries though.

Minimum Wage - Pro.

Minimum wage is essential, lol.

Lockdowns? ALWAYS Con.

Anyway, these are the issues I can think of right now.
Persephonee · 22-25, F
I know your pain because your politics more or less seem to match my own! (No mention of Europe, though?). And i think an awful lot of people largely think the same way and find themselves forced to pigeonhole their vote to the goblin with the red or blue rosette by the nature of the voting system.

Broadly speaking this general outlook *ought* to be where the Liberal Democrats hoover up votes and constituencies all across the country (as you say, abortion is - rightly or wrongly - such a non-issue in UK politics, it probably doesn't feature much in determining voting patterns!). But they've kind of wandered off in their sensible shoes to lie down beside green pastures and still waters and not bother with general elections any more.

So in my 6 years of voting I've put X-es beside roses, trees, and doves - and whatever weird symbol some Northamptonshire independent had in some council election once (he didn't win). It's nice not to feel too politically partisan I suppose but I feel there must be a truckload of centrist voters who are being ignored.
@Persephonee Great response. I was going to mention Europe but didn't because again I am undecided. My stance is contradictory because while there are a lot of things wrong with the European Union, I don't think the U.K has benefitted from leaving. Has it improved people's lives so far? I don't think so. Has the Conservative Party actually done or tried to do anything useful or beneficial to people since leaving? Same answer.
Persephonee · 22-25, F
@SW-User and we still agree! Maybe we should start a party...
@Persephonee That's an idea...🤔
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
You are centre left on economics and socially conservative.

The Lib Dems (for overseas people, they are labelled as centrist) are socially liberal and free market so kind of the opposite of you!

I'm also politically homeless for different reasons. I was a big supporter of Corbyn and I cant find a good word to say about Starmer.

My politics are classically libertarian left and on every issue.its easy to define and state where I stand. People can have negative opinions on that but I've never been a socialist to be fashionable: it's just the truth as I understand it.
Yes, the Tories will only fight battles for rightwing economics because it's what their diners want. They like to play the culture war but they are not true believers like the DUP or the US Republicans

That's a perfect summary. There is no lively debate in this country...the Conservatives are the most dead of all.

Also I get what you mean about having to back lesser evils, but I guess it's the only thing you can do when there is nothing else. The Conservatives have been in power since 2010. It's weird to think that in a country that considers itself a real democracy they may have what will end up amounting to practically two decades in power if they are voted for again in the 2024 election.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@SW-User I meant donors. LOL. It was a typo.

Also I get what you mean about having to back lesser evils, but I guess it's the only thing you can do when there is nothing else. The Conservatives have been in power since 2010. It's weird to think that in a country that considers itself a real democracy they may have what will end up amounting to practically two decades in power if they are voted for again in the 2024 election.

This is why (shock-horror) I'm a Marxist at the point of analysis. What this basically means is that money is power and that group of people at the top work to perpetuate their own interests. What we call politics is secondary to that.
@Burnley123 Got you...knew that was what you meant haha.

I agree with that assessment. Unfortunately this is why politics is failing people.
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
Congratulations on recognizing that no political party is 100% right on every single issue. It is a sign of being capable of critical thinking, and maturity. As Thomas Jefferson said, political parties are a necessary evil -- a way of gathering support in campaign funds & workers, public recognition. But they are not the sole source of knowledge, or always correct in their positions. When we begin looking to them as an infallible ideology we are on the fast-track to a dictatorship from one extreme or the other.

That doesn't negate the value of being politically active and vocal. Politics is the art of the possible, and only by being active and vocal do we avoid the extremists and their ideologies taking over as dictatorships forcing us to adhere to only their set of values.
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
Oh my gosh! We could chat for hours. I'm also without a home politically. I am too liberal for our Republican party and too conservative for our Democrat party. I sometimes wish we had a parliamentary system so we would have more party choices.

I guess if you were to average out my many extreme liberal views and my many extreme conservative views, I would land somewhere just right of center. I often do post on politics here and will engage anyone on any topic as long as we can discuss the issue in a civil manner. 🙂
I sometimes wish we had a parliamentary system so we would have more party choices.

sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@SW-User I basically feel strongly about everything (which is my problem).

I do strongly believe in individual liberty and responsibility so that translates to a lot of political issue positions. But I also believe that as civilized societies, there is a basic minimum that all members of society should have access to (healthcare, housing, etc). I hate the current tax code in the US ... way too many special interests getting way too much.

I could go on and on.
@sarabee1995 Yes, in a civilized society, all people should have access to those things. It isn't just that, though. These services should be good and able to deliver really decent care. They should never be below par or lacking in some way if there is indeed the money to invest in them, which there always is.

The tax code is the same here. It doesn't get mentioned enough but corporate business and/or those enjoying extreme wealth, aren't paying anywhere near enough tax.
Philth · 46-50, M
I found that a lot of my political viewpoints have changed, as I found out more. For example, I used to think that train drivers were an inherently awkward bunch of overpaid jobsworths (who needed the full force of Government anti Union laws) until I became a train driver, then learnt what *really* goes on (and what the media doesn't tell you about the job).
I now have considerably revised ideas about trade unions (and the people who act like complete martyrs, saying "I've not had a pay rise in 15 years and yet I don't go on strike" hmmm maybe there's a connection there!
@Philth and that's not politics. No view, really, either. Anti politics. Jokes. Dysfunction in the collective mind. But no democracy! Rolls eyes at the USA, at the future, at caring....
Barny52 · 56-60, M
All good points, gun ownership shouldn’t be on your list for uk think that’s sorted after our masshooting
Philth · 46-50, M
@SW-User what, because as a general rule they don't go gunning down unarmed black men who haven't done anything wrong?
@Philth lol

You really do have literal shit for brains, don't you?
Slade · 56-60, M
@Philth Good God, what a sorry idiot
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
You seem politically centrist, but have a conservative stance on abortion. Honestly this isn't that uncommon. As a centrist you're probably never gonna be tied to one political party.
@CountScrofula I agree.
Abortion - Con.
I am very much against abortion. It will never be stopped or reduced in the U.K or other Western European countries though.

The best way to reduce abortions is to make it easy to get contraception and to have kids educated on sex before they actually start doing it.
By banning abortion, all we really do is ban safe abortions. Plus there have already been cases of doctors not removing stillborns because they're afraid of getting into legal trouble.
@BohemianBabe I agree that sex education should be widely accessible and in some respects improved. It should be made absolutely clear by schools that there are several forms of contraception you can use to prevent a pregnancy. Parents also have a duty to explain this to their children, and facilitate the use of contraception if it seems needed.

However, I will always disagree with abortion except in cases where there is real danger to the woman's life. Once you are pregnant, you have gone past the point that you can think about whether you want a baby or not. Abortion is essentially used as a form of birth control and that's one of the many things wrong with it.
Stevve · M
The parties are all much the same nowadays, same amount of money in their pots unless they have the balls to say taxes need to go up or they borrow and your kids and grand kids will pay for that. They just wrap it differently
And this is why I do not join political parties, the nature of which is to divide and conquer.
Zonuss · 41-45, M
Any and every single person has a right to their politics and beliefs.
Regardless of how stupid and incompetent it is. 🙂
Slade · 56-60, M
@Zonuss Yes you do.

@Zonuss OMG


I guess this is a predictable response and that I shouldn't be surprised, but not once did I say that people didn't have a "right" to believe what they want! I said that our educational institutions, media outlets, and political parties should not be indulging people who hold these views because then it legitimizes them, which makes people more inclined to support and believe them.

I should clarify that I mostly mean *respected* political parties and media outlets, which are essentially any political parties that people are likely or semi-likely to vote for, and media outlets that people are likely or semi-likely to read/watch.

Because these views are hateful and demented, that will only result in *more* people being hateful and demented.

Is that really what we want for society? Do we want to be divisive, crazy and hateful?

A society where false and insane narratives are continually peddled by our most important institutions (when it comes to what we believe, how we think, etc.) is NOT good for anyone.

I mean really, there are limits to free speech and they are usually applied when that speech is considered hateful and dangerous.

What they say is hateful, and it is very dangerous. If they want to be insane in their own home or come online to express that insanity, they can (and they can get blocked or banned when they take it too far). Doing it in universities and other places is a different matter altogether though.

For instance, would you have a Nazi give a lecture at a university? 😂
Slade · 56-60, M
@SW-Userthat's half the faculty at most universities

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